Start A Local Book Club

Meet New People & Share The Love of Reading

Last summer, I wanted to do something different in my local community. I thought about a women's issue group, lessons of some type, etc. Ultimately, I decided to start a local book club that highlights local and state authors!

Convenience is Key

I wanted the book club to be convenient for potential members (and especially me). A Convenient Time and Convenient Location are KEY!

Book Club Meeting Time

The time of the book club must be a good fit for all types of people: working women, moms and the senior ladies too! Older women do not enjoy getting out at night. As we get older, driving in the dark is harder. We are also more tired after a long day of activities! Right? Younger women may have families and other obligations during the evening.

Meeting during the lunch hour seems like a great fit for most people. And keeping the discussion at 30 minutes would be important to honor a 1 hour lunch break.

Our meeting times looked like this:

12:00 - Order your food (at a Deli walk up counter)

12:15 - Discussion Starts

12:45 - Discussion Ends

Book Club Location

Starkville is a small town, but location is important for the working women! The book club needed:

A restaurant close to the university (the biggest employer in town), has a

Adequate parking

FREE to reserve a small room

Menu that is appealing and reasonably priced

The perfect fit was McAlister's Deli in Starkville! We were able to get the room during lunch once a month. The location has worked beautifully.

Our Organizing Meeting

During our organizing meeting in August, over 10 people showed up! I didn't even know 4 of them. The only publicity was through Facebook. I was so happy that the book club was reaching members of the community and not just my group of friends.

At the organizing meeting at McAlister's Deli, we decided upon the meeting dates, times and books. I had a few suggestions for the group and everything fell into place.

Book Club Reading List




Author Attending?


The Silent Woman (Cat Carlisle, Book 1)

Terry Lynn Thomas



Murder in Memory

Mike Thorne



The Reckoning

John Grisham







Wishful Romance Series (Books 1-6)

Kait Nolan



Gently Scattered Intentions

Laurie Parker



White Kids, Growing Up with Privilege in a Racially Divided America

Margaret Hagerman



The Family Secret (Cat Carlisle, Book 2)

Terry Lynn Thomas



Cemetery Road: A Novel

Greg Isles

Publicity & Sharing

The only publicity about the book club is through a Facebook Group ( For each meeting, I created an Event for the group. The event would serve as a reminder and a way to easily invite their friends.

In closing, a Book Club is a great idea to bring together the local community and to celebrate local authors. We've read different types of books - romance, mystery, historical, academic - which adds significant value (and fun) to our group!

If you have any questions, please comment and I'll be glad to answer!

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Informations From: Taun17

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