Three Best Monster Short Stories

By Zirkon Kalti

Monsters are hideous creatures that have either deviate from the human race in their genes or that they are not human at all. Many classic fairy tales collections have included monster short stories. These stories often features monsters like goblins, ogres and other ugly creatures. The following are the three best monster short stories.

1. The Headless Dwarves by Andrew Lang

Clever Hans tries to change his luck by working for a minister who is hiring people to ring the bell for double wages. Before hiring Hans, the minister has hired many others to be bell ringers but they had all disappeared mysteriously. At night, when it is time to go up, he walks up the stairs to the roof to ring the bell. He found headless dwarves sitting on the stairs. He kicks them down one by one as he reach the top. Another headless dwarf waits for him at the top but Hans spared his life. The dwarf promises to help him back as a return favor. One day, while spending the night alone, hordes of dwarves come out of the ground to beat him but the dwarf whom he spared came to help. With his help, Hans also found a treasure that hides behind the loose stone in the church corner.

2. The Troll's Daughter by Andrew Lang

A young man takes up a work offer with the troll who agrees to pay him one bushel of money every year. He is to work for the troll for 3 years. On the third year, the troll turns him into a fish. He comes to the bottom of the pond where he sees a beautiful girl in a glass palace. He says the same spell that the troll says and he becomes a man again to be with her. When the year comes to an end, the girl instructs him to end his service with the troll and go to serve another king. He is to lend him 6 bushels of money and states the condition that he wishes to accompany him to repay his debt. She also told him how to answer the 3 questions that the troll would ask. At the third question, the troll ask where is his heart, he says in the fish. The moment he cut the fish's heart, the troll died. So, the girl and the young lad get married and live happily together.

3. Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes And Little Three-Eyes by Brothers Grimm

A woman has 3 daughters who are named Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes And Little Three-Eyes. They are named thus because of the number of eyes on their forehead. Because Little Two-Eyes looks normal, her mother and two sisters would only give her scraps to eat. One day, she meets a wise woman who teaches her to say "Little goat, bleat, Little table, appear," when she is with her goat. When she says this, a table with delicious food appear. But they soon finds out and kills the goat. Later, the wise woman instructs her to bury the goat's heart at the door step. She did as she was told and a tree with gold fruit springs up. When the prince pass by, Little Two-Eyes picks the gold fruit for him and the prince marries her. Science fiction story often talks about monsters being created from experiment. It opens up your mind to creative imagination when you read about the invention of monsters from science experiment in short stories.

Article Source:  Three Best Monster Short Stories

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