One Simplest, Most Powerful Faith

Faith is remarkably simple, but life is complex, and we think our problems require equally complex solutions. All our problems are met best in the simplest of ways.

Our complex contexts are not to be understood, for complexity overwhelms us, but a two-pronged approach to one simple, integrated faith is the way forward.

Indicators that we need this approach are anxiety, depression, anger, impatience, and a general dearth of the fruit of the Spirit.

The two-pronged approach is tried and tested, and an almost boringly well-known formula. To the Word of God, we add prayer, which brings God's Word alive in us via His felt Presence; simplicity for life. See, I told you it was simple.

As we read God's Word more, we find God enables our capacities of meditation, which is where our mind ruminates on the words of the Bible, consciously and subconsciously.

The more we keep our life simple by filling our minds with God's Word, the more God helps us block out unworthy distractions like worries. Filling our mind with God's Word means we ruminate worthily.

Read God's Word.

Meditate fully on its meaning.

Pray accordingly.

Meet with God.

Enjoy life simply.

That's the process. Make it no more complicated than that. Especially when you're struggling. For faith is in the simplest surrender that trustfully obeys a simple formula.


Simplicity is gorgeous, because, like joy, it occurs mysteriously when we're simply grateful. Faith is meant to be kept that simple, not a childish faith, but childlike. When faith is simple, hope is experienced, and love is easy, the way God designed life to be.

How does it work? I don't know. All I know is it works. God makes the mysterious plain, and that's the miraculous for us. What we cannot explain is simple and effective. The simpler, the more effective.


Fill your mind with the Word and prayer will pour out of your heart as you meet with God's Presence.

Read God's Word. Meditate fully on its meaning. Pray accordingly. Meet with God. Enjoy life simply.

Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

 By Steve Wickham

Article Source: One Simplest, Most Powerful Faith

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