Leaders: Have You Examined The Quality Of Your GOALS?

Nearly every discussion, seminar or training session, on the area of leadership planning, devotes a considerable amount of time, on creating, developing and implementing worthwhile, valuable, meaningful goals. However, while most people who ascend to these positions, will claim to have a goal (or goals), it often seems, there has been little effort or attention devoted to considering whether or not, these are worthwhile, or valuable! In my four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I have come to strongly believe, until/ unless someone has a goal, which others want to buy into, and adopt as their own, the GOALS have less than optimum quality! Every individual, who seriously wishes to be a real leader, must force himself, to introspectively, and objectively examine and evaluate his goals, and see how he can make then stronger, and more meaningful!

1. Generate goodwill; growth; giving: Why would anyone pay attention to any leader, until/ unless he focused on generating goodwill, not merely through rhetoric and empty promises, but by his planning, actions, integrity, empathy, and desire to connect, with his stakeholders? The reality is, organizations must either grow, or perish, in the vast majority of instances. While a group can overcome a short period of stagnation, it must address the causes, and become relevant. What will one's goals do, to create positive growth, on a consistent, ongoing basis? Will a leader's way, lead to a more giving group, who prioritizes a meeting of the minds, rather than being adversarial?

2. Options; optimistic; opportunities: Expand your mind and perspective, so you become willing to fairly, and objectively consider options and alternatives! True leaders are optimistic and have positive attitudes, but do so, without fooling themselves into wearing rose - colored glasses! It must become a top priority to prepare for opportunities, and either opt for the best one, or develop a better way!

3. Attention; attitude; answers; address: How can you be certain, you are paying attention, to what needs to be prioritized? Do you believe in your goals, and possess a can - do, positive attitude? Are you goals providing more answers, or questions? How do/ will your approach, address needs, in an effective, meaningful manner?

4. Listen; learn; leading: Creating and developing meaningful, relevant goals, must include spending more time listening than speaking, and the willingness and ability, to learn consistently from experiences, and what others perceive! Unless one does this, the creation of goals, has little to do, with leading!

5. Stronger; sustainable system: Goals lack true purpose unless their intent, is to make the group stronger! You must include conceiving of, creating, developing and implementing a relevant, sustainable system, as a component of your goal - setting!

It's never enough to merely have good intentions, or irrelevant goals! Are you willing to objectively examine and evaluate, the quality of your GOALS?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leaders: Have You Examined The Quality Of Your GOALS?

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