The Hole I Am Getting Out Of

In life, there is a certain way we all must go. In thought, to prosper, there is a certain way we all must think and act. Sometimes, I do admit that in my own estimation I can come off as a genuinely frustrated and aggressive person because things do not seem to go my way at times. But, I look at things differently and in an abstract way that gets me back to positive and genuinely optimistic. Realistically, all failure is temporary when looked at that way, and all success is permanent once it really does happen and everyone ultimately has the same luck. The deficit I am digging myself out of is "needing" to succeed the first time I attempt and be "one of the lucky few". I can face it, that does not happen all the time to everyone or anyone. Everybody has the same luck and same fortune really, and genuine success is understanding that reality is a genuine learning curve of temporary failure for understanding and then success through that understanding.

I mean face it, the biggest losers expect to get lucky all the time, and the biggest winners do understand what it genuinely takes to genuinely win in the right way.

Not understanding and being intolerant of reality is the hole I am getting out of and that we are all getting out of really. My beloved parents taught me this hard lesson and now I am giving it to you as the ultimate wonderful gift of life that keeps real success in your reality. Real death is the propensity to quit genuinely forever or even fear to make multiple attempts until you do succeed.

I am not saying "losing on the pork belly contract proposal" over and over until you get your billions which never may come or may come, but I am saying allow yourself to create genuine success through a margin of understanding or temporary failure until you do succeed. For genuine successes are made through temporary failures, and genuine failures are made through quitting too early in your genuine attempts. Your choice is what it comes down to as well as it comes down to my choice for me. The real winner or loser is the person that does make a choice in this respect. Indeed, really winning does come down to that margin of understanding that says that "I am not afraid to temporarily fail and I will ultimately succeed."

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

 By Joshua Clayton

Article Source: The Hole I Am Getting Out Of
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