The Reasons for Esports Developing So Fast

Form 1958 Tennis for two to nowadays League of Legends and DOTA2, we have to admit that Esports is growing rapidly. It has affected every aspects of our life unconsciously and created a flock of Esports stars. But you may wonder: when did it come into focus? How did it change unexpectedly? Here are the three reasons for this question.

1. Technology
Esports is a sports game conducted by Internet and local area network, based on computer and video games. The development of information and technology and improvement of network infrastructure all lay the material foundation of Esports. Basic guarantee provided to Esports by the development of high-end computer application platform. More and more popular Internet makes it possible for big, complicated and continuous online games. Conditions for large number of players online at the same time are mature enough to support such a big game. Information technology, network foundation and computer application platform have created excellent chances for the competition and rebroadcast of the Esports.

2. Commerce
Undoubtedly, skyrocketing Esports has close relations with its commercial values. Esports has magic power to attract public, especially the young. Besides, advertising is also a hidden business opportunity. For example, in-game advertisement is very popular among gaming industry for its updating speed, novel format and high pertinence. Esports is a dreaming platform for game factories to raise popularity of their brand. For this reason, game producers spare no efforts to support it. The organization and operation of this competition restrained by the profits of the gaming industry. This kind of restriction seems have negative impact, but actually it is beneficial to the conduction of Esports from the capital aspect.

3. Esports itself
In recent years, with the expansion of Internet coverage area and the diversity of application platform, playing online games has no restriction from the place or time. At the same time, quality and quantity have largely improved. University has been attached to the requirements and flexibility of the players. Interaction is very important to an electronic game, which is a key to be popular. At present, electronic games tend to pay much attention to the blend of virtuality and reality, which is in order to enforce the interaction of electronic games. It attracts so many people because players can treat themselves as the roles in the game and explore that virtual world and adventure on their own. It is the inner cause for the rapid development of Esports.

It is irreversible that Esports is maintaining this development impetus. We are playing it, discussing it and thinking about it. As a consequence of modern technology, it is also an opportunity to inspire global economy and enrich lives.

 By Emily G Greene

Article Source: The Reasons for Esports Developing So Fast
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