Leadership: The Ability To EVALUATE

What is leadership, really, all about? It shouldn't be simply about holding some position, nor should it become a type of power - play! In order to become a truly meaningful, and effective leader, one must commit time, resources, energy, and commitment, to making a positive difference, not only in terms of the relevance and sustainability of his organization, but in the lives of those he serves/ represents! How does someone develop and utilize the right combination of skills and assets, and know he is properly prepared? After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting, thousands of actual/ potential leaders, I have come to believe, the missing ingredient/ link, between effective and mediocre leadership, is often a leader's willingness and ability to properly EVALUATE.

1. Empathetic; energize; empower: Be careful, when you begin evaluating, you focus on those you serve, rather than any sort of personal agenda! Listen more than you speak, so you can better understand the perceptions, needs, goals, priorities and concerns, of your constituents. Empathetic leaders enhance their ability and potential to energize those around, and thus, get them more involved. The more constituents care, and are willing to do, the greater your ability to both empower them, and make them feel that way!

2. Vision; value; values: So, you've developed a vision, you consider relevant, vibrant and vital. Realize, it will only have the most desirable impact, if you focus on value, and do so, in a manner, stakeholders feel, they are receiving value!

3. Attention; aptitude: If you want to be an effective leader, you must focus clearly, and pay attention to needs, concerns, priorities, service, and making your group, relevant and sustainable! This is generally an acquired skill, and one must be able to transform training and experience, to expertise, judgment, and wisdom! Consider the level of your aptitude, in this vital area!

4. Listen; learn; leading: By prioritizing effective listening, you will become more capable of effectively learning, and, thus, proceeding, in the most relevant manner! It is only leading, when one gets others involved, in a desirable, meaningful way!

5. Useful; usable; urge: All the great ideas, will have little impact, until/ unless, they are truly useful and relevant. Consider how your plans might become more usable, while realizing, it is incumbent upon a leader, to urge others to follow!

6. Attitude; assist: You must develop and maintain a can - do, positive attitude, because others generally get their cue, from their leaders! How will your efforts, ideas, and leadership, assist those you serve?

7. Timely; trends: Have you ever heard someone introduce his ideas, and thought, that's yesterday's news? Only well - considered, timely planning and action, which considers relevant trends, will have the best opportunity of getting through!

8. Excellence; earn: How will you clearly demonstrate, your commitment to excellence? Will you seek the best course, rather than the easier, perhaps - popular, expedient one? What will you do, in order to earn the respect, of your constituents?

Great leaders EVALUATE their plans, in terms of the past/ heritage, present, and future needs, priorities and objectives, of the organization! Will you commit to enhancing your abilities in this area?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leadership: The Ability To EVALUATE

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