Warning! Your Xerox May Also Be Reading This Article Right Now in a Parallel Universe!

It is not a joke. The great scientist Max Tegmark exactly starts his article in Scientific

American May 2003 issue with these words only.

"Is there a copy of you reading this article? A person who is not you but who lives on a planet called Earth with misty mountains, fertile fields and sprawling cities, in a Solar system with eight other planets? The life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect" - These are his exact words.

Is there a Parallel Universe? The theory 'Nothing Dies' has been proposed long back.

Take the Hindu Scriptures. Krishna studied as per the age old system staying in his Guru Sandeepany's hut along with other students. Once the stipulated period was over, the parting day arrived. Krishna wanted to offer 'Guru Dakshina' meaning offerings to the Master. But the great saint told him no such thing is required. But the saint's wife who stood by the side of him was looking sad. Krishna asked the reason. She told Him that her only son was met with untimely death at the age of five and whether Krishna could bring him back. Krishna was pleased very much. He had an opportunity to pay his debt back to the great guru. He immediately went out and after some time brought back the saint's son. The child was exactly the same boy when died.

Sandeepany and his wife praised Krishna for achieving this impossible task.

Now let us think for a moment, Lord Krishna's extraordinary feat. How could He bring a dead boy? Where was the boy with flesh and blood? The answer which was not possible hitherto is possible now with 'Parallel Universe' theory.

Yes, He went to a parallel Universe and brought the identical person from there.

Same explanation could be given when Saint Gnanasambandar brought back the young girl named Poombavai in Mylapore, Chennai India. When asked by him, where was Poombavai, the girl's father wept and told him that she was dead. Gnanasamandar immediately brought and spread the remainings of the girl and sung ten verses. On completing the last verse, Poombavai came alive. Everybody was wonderstruck. They danced with immense joy.

Where was the dead Poombavai all along and how was she brought back?

The answer lies in the new scientific finding - Parallel universe!

The ten verses are inscribed in the outer wall of the Kapaleeswarar Temple in Mylapore, Chennai, India. Even today all the devotees are reciting these ten verses with great devotion.

This new theory explains the impossible happenings recorded in the Hindu history.

What is parallel universe and who first proposed this theory? Hugh Everett was the first scientist who proposed this theory of multiple universe.

In the next article we may study this great theory in detail!

Nagarajan has written more than 3000 articles in Tamil in 18 magazines and published 52 books. He is revealing Eastern Secret Wisdom through T.V. Programmes, magazine articles, seminars, courses. He has covered various subjects in his wide range of articles which include Mantras, Yantras, Yoga, Meditation, Astrology, Astronomy, Space Science, Science and Spirituality, Hollywood cinema, Women's progress, Aura, Significance of Colors, Reincarnation, Divine Geometry, Power of Prayer etc. As an ardent seeker of Truth, he has collected scientific experiments on mantras, mind, Auto suggestion etc. He has written many articles on para psychology also.

 By Santhanam Nagarajan

Article Source: Warning! Your Xerox May Also Be Reading This Article Right Now in a Parallel Universe!

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