Which Assets Must Real Leaders ACQUIRE?

Many organizations, including both not - for - profits and for - profit, types, have seen an apparent dearth of true, qualified, capable leadership, in recent years! Many groups complain about their leaders, or lack of same, but fail to accept the truism, which is, the organization, itself, as well as its nominating committee, etc, often merely go through the motions, in their search. This is most probably, unintentional, but rather, comes about, because of a lack of clarity, and/ or understanding, regarding what is being asked of a potential leader. If someone is unclear about what they should be doing, and are therefore, ill - prepared, what would you expect the outcome to be? Nominating committees should begin with a clearly stated, set of responsibilities and necessities, to hold each specific office, etc! This article will seek to address, which assets real leaders, must ACQUIRE.

1. Attitude; aptitude; attention: Go beyond one's rhetoric, and examine if the words and deeds, appear to be in sync! Seek individuals with true, positive, can - do attitudes, who have continuously demonstrated such, by both their words and deeds. In other words, truly interview potential leaders, before settling on someone! How has the individual enhanced his skill - set? What training has he undergone, and does he seem to have learned from it? Does he think - outside - the - box, or remain within the limits of his comfort zone? Will he see what's going on, both positive and negative, and address needs, concerns and priorities, in a timely manner, and how?

2. Character; caring; cooperation: It's easy to put on a happy face, when all is running smoothly, and there are no current, apparent obstacles! However, one reveals his true character, when challenged, and observe how an individual handles adversity and/ or disagreement? Is he truly caring and sincere, or just another politician? Does he proceed, with a spirit of cooperation, or is he adversarial and polarizing?

3. Quest; questions: It should not be only Don Quixote, who follows his quest! What is the individuals quest, and what are his reasons and motivations? Is he service - oriented? Does he listen effectively, and ask the types of questions, which will elicit needed information, etc?

4. Useful; usable: It's far different to be busy, as opposed to doing something useful? Is the individual able to follow the adage, Don't sweat the petty stuff, or does he get caught up in minutia, rather than focusing on priorities? A true leader's agenda must be relevant, focused and usable!

5. Ideas; integrity: Seek leaders with quality ideas and imagination, and are driven to make a difference for he better! Remember, one will only be effective, when he proceeds with as close to absolute integrity, as possible!

6. Real; relevant: Does someone know what is really needed, and introduce real solutions? Will he provide relevant leadership, which will make the organization, better and more acceptable to more people?

7. Enriching; empathetic; example: How will this person enrich the experiences of those he represents, and make a real difference, for the better? Will he take the time, to proceed with empathy, and thus address both actual needs, as well as the perceived needs, concerns and priorities, of his constituents? Will he be the example, others look up to, try to emulate, and respect?

There are so many assets, a great leader needs! The ones in this article are some, which are absolutely essential, for one, to ACQUIRE!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Which Assets Must Real Leaders ACQUIRE?

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