Here's To 2017: Maximizing Your Year

As the year moves along and progresses there are many who start the year with a fresh outlook on life. It's in the bloom of the year that new ideas and new ways of doing things are introduced. The conflict with this is that as the year furthers on those resolutions, new looks, and everything that was vibrant and new seemingly gets lost in the busyness of life.

There are three things that I want you to consider on this year:
1. This is your year to shine.
2. This is your year to succeed.
3. This is your year to achieve.

Keep in mind that this is not New Year's resolution talk, but things for you to really give thought to as you move day-to-day in your year. We are going to look at four thoughts to help you to maximize your year. Give it your all and here's to you having a successful year.

1. Ask yourself how can I set a record.
Take a moment to sit and consider how you could make this your best year thus far. You may have considered your years that have passed as some of your best years. That is good, but from a point of maximization how can you make this year better than all of your other years? What record can you set for yourself in business, a career, or a goal? Setting a record is simply doing a thing to a tune greater than what you have done before. Ask yourself how can I achieve all of my goals set for this year? A goal is an objective of a person's ambition or effort. You may have specific goals set for this year. Think about how you can set a record for yourself in the achieving of these goals. Think about what you love and ask yourself are you willing to set a record in it.

2. Visualize your success for this year.
See your year-end the way you pictured it to be. You want to start with the end in mind. You should have an expected end for what you expect to gain from this year. Take some time to sit and visualize yourself achieving everything that you have set out to do. Visualization gives you a picture which then sits as a target for you to follow and a standard for you to live by until you see it fulfilled. You also want to embrace that desire of succeeding and all that it entails. Appreciate your accomplishments as you succeed in getting them done. The key is to maximize the most from your year. The more you embrace the things you achieve the more you are able to achieve the rest of your objectives without feeling strained or distressed about your other endeavors on your To Do list.

3. There are things that stop you from maximizing.
Yet while attempting to maximize can be fulfilling there are things that can stop you from maximizing. One, other people and their opinion of the year. You know those opinions that are comprised of negative talk and have a negative perspective on things.

"I'm ready for this year to be over!"

"This is my life, one bad thing after the next."

"This is the worst year of my life."

You know people who pour out to you all of the bad things that happen to them and want you to share in their pity. Don't let this rob you of succeeding on this year.

Two, comparing this year to other years. In other words, you had a bad year last year so any little challenge that comes up you start trying to compare it with things that you considered bad from last year. Don't compare your years because if you do you can distract and rob yourself of achieving success in your current year.

Three, believing that you don't deserve to succeed. Some feel that because they have had one bad break after the next and they come to a place that they feel they don't deserve to succeed. If you believe you don't deserve to succeed then you have taken all of the maximization out of your year and to a degree out of your life. Don't do that to yourself. Whether it's a goal, a career, or a specific endeavor, you are worthy to succeed so give yourself the benefit to do something great.

4. Three considerations for maximization.
As we close these perspectives out let's consider three things to you maximizing your year:

Decide that you are going to make this your year.

Be determined to make this your year.

Take the necessary action to make this your year.

This is your year to succeed. This is to your year and you maximizing it

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 By Sheldon R Smith

Article Source:  Here's To 2017: Maximizing Your Year

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