Message From the Universe: You've Done It - Bravo!

"I just can't think of anything more important to tell you today than "Congratulations, outstanding, well done!"

You are now, officially, the person you once dreamed you'd become.

It always works,
The Universe"

You dreamed it, and it all happened. Many of us dream, come up with genius ideas for products, ventures or whatever else. We think about it but unfortunately for many, we stop here. We just think, and some time wait for the best time to bring this idea/dream/intent to reality and it never happens. We look at others follow their dreams and risk it all and succeed. Of course, there are some who do the same and fail and let their failure dictate the rest of their lives. You can't let that happen. If you fail, look at it as a lesson, a lesson to do better, a lesson to grow from this failure and not repeat the same mistakes. Tony Robbins, Zuckerburg, Trump, Besos and all the others who risked it all and jump into the unknown to follow their dreams and became the top 4% richest humans on this planet. They didn't let anything take them away from their ultimate purpose of becoming who they are today. They had that intuition, that desire, that purpose to do what they truly believed in and looked into the future with clarity and loads of determination. This is what a true entrepreneur is. Did they fail? Dammmm yeahhhhh. Many times over but did that deter them from pursuing their goals? Hell NO!

Life will throw you tons of challenges to overcome, obstacles to avoid and everything else that will come towards you and possibly bring you to dementia or/and full blown depression. It will be up to you to fight these urges to let life take over and do whatever it takes to move forward and learn from it. It is inevitable that these negative feelings will sometimes take over and block us from our initial pursuit of success but that can ONLY happen if you allow it. More difficult the challenges are to bring yourself to ultimate success, better it is for you. If it was that easy, you wouldn't feel that accomplished. You would always think that everyone else can do it, so you are not that special. However, when you do overcome what seems to be impossible and come out as a winner, you will change the way you look at things from this point forward and nothing will ever stop you from reaching your ultimate happiness.

Dr Dan Amzallag, PhD, MBA, CLC

Author/Inspirational Speaker/Life Coach

Free Consultation: 301-325-1550


 By Daniel A Amzallag

Article Source:  Message From the Universe: You've Done It - Bravo!

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