1. Attitude; aptitude; attention; appreciation: Like most activities and things in life, one achieves little, without possessing a positive, can - do attitude! However, one must combine that with developing and enhancing the necessary, relevant skills and assets, so as to potentiate his aptitude! Will you be able to do so, and pay attention to needs, concerns and priorities, as well as what's going on around you? No one can become an effective leader, on his own, without attracting others to his cause and approach. This only becomes possible, when you demonstrate your sincere appreciation for the efforts of others!
2. Benefits; beliefs: While politicians like to use lots of rhetoric, and make empty promises, a true leader must focus on the best way to provide both actual, as well as perceived benefits, to constituents! Why would anyone continue to support you, if they fail to observe you, attempting to focus on their needs and priorities? One must align his beliefs with the heritage, history, mission, vision, causes, needs, concerns and priorities, of his organization, and those he serves!
3. Opinions; options; opportunities: You are not a real leader, if you merely sit back, and let us take a stand, and come up with ideas and solutions. Provide well - considered opinions, in a timely manner, so you are able to articulate and communicate the options, and opportunities!
4. Usage; useful: How will you use those skills you have worked on, honed, and developed? Will your usage attempt to make things better, rather than merely proposing change, for change - sake? One become a quality, effective leader, when his proposals are both useful, and perceived as being so!
5. Timely; terrific: Procrastination is perhaps, the greatest carcinogen of leading! When you act in a timely manner, you address challenges, and/ or obstacles, before they become far more problematic! Isn't the goal of leadership, becoming a truly, terrific leader?
If you decide leadership is for you. ask those famous words, from the song about Alphie, What's it all ABOUT? Know your reasons, what you must do, and do it!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead
By Richard Brody
Article Source: Leadership: What's It All ABOUT?