Will You DEVELOP A Viable Action Plan?

Why is it, that two individuals, with seemingly similar abilities, assets, attitudes, experiences, etc, who are thrust into positions of leadership, often end up with far different results, and qualities of performance? One of the greatest challenges faced by leadership trainers, is being able to effectively differentiate between these two types of people, and get the best performance and effort, out of each! In many cases, the differentiating factor is, not one of intent or ability, but rather, whether one's intentions and rhetoric, are effectively transformed to meaningful, relevant, timely actions! This article will touch upon the factor, which often makes the difference, which is, will someone successfully create, DEVELOP and implement, a well - considered action plan.

1. Delve deeply; discuss; differentiate; deliver: Don't create an action plan haphazardly, but rather, delve deeply into all relevant aspects, contingencies and ramifications. Discuss ideas with a wide variety of individuals, and welcome feedback! However, be careful to differentiate between facts and opinions, reality and fantasy, doable versus pie - in - the - sky! Never make empty promises, but rather, under - promise, and over - deliver!

2. Empathy: Be mindful that one of your primary responsibilities, is effectively serving those you represent! Always listen effectively (far more than you speak), get clarifications (ask probing questions), welcome feedback, and discover the needs, priorities, perceptions and concerns, of those you serve. Your action plan will only be relevant, if you proceed with empathy!

3. Vision; value; values: While action plans need to be visionary and comprehensive, as well as relevant and significant, they must be perceived by others as adding value to their experience. Do so, without ever sacrificing the values, your organization represents, and stands for!

4. Excellence: Just as a budget can either be a valuable document (if prepared properly), or a wasteful experience, the same holds true for action planning! Reach for the stars, because if your goals are not high, your results will often be sub - standard! True leaders seek excellence!

5. Listen; learn; leadership: Don't merely hear what others say, but truly listen effectively, and learn what they want, need and perceive! Quality leadership means delivering on promises, and developing an action plan, which helps achieve relevant, significant goals!

6. Options; opportunities: Creating and developing a meaningful action plan, means understanding and considering alternatives and options! One must be open to, and prepared for opportunities!

7. Priorities; planning; productive: Consider needs, concerns, priorities and goals, before developing your plan! Quality planning must be both productive and meaningful!

If you want to be a true leader, you must be able to DEVELOP a quality action plan! Will you be prepared, willing and ready?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source:  Will You DEVELOP A Viable Action Plan?

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