Do You Have The Necessary CLARITY To Be An Effective Leader?

If you decide to become a leader, and are willing to undergo the training, development, and experiences, needed to become effective, remember one can never become a true, effective leader, unless he either has, or develops, the necessary CLARITY! This clarity includes possessing a clear, objective mind, and positive, can - do attitude, and the willingness and ability to articulate clearly, effectively, and in a way, which motivates others to action. How can anyone be effective, until/ unless he gets through to his constituents and stakeholders, in a way they grasp, understand, appreciate, and believe? Is it any wonder it is so challenging to locate real leaders, and so many organizations suffer, because of the dearth of genuine, meaningful leadership?

1. Cooperation; character; caring: How one proceeds is the clearest indication of one's true character, rather than merely some facade! Become a far more effective messenger, by seeking cooperation and a meeting of the minds, rather than using an adversarial, polarizing approach and rhetoric! Those you serve will invariably pay far more attention to your message, when they feel strongly about how much you care!

2. Listen; learn: Many individuals, thrust into positions of leadership, falsely believe their constituents perceive things as they do, and share the same concerns, preferences and priorities. While that might be true, at times, your understanding and ability to communicate, is enhanced and improved, when you take the time to effectively listen, and learn what, those you serve, care most deeply about, and their concerns, needs and priorities!

3. Attitude; attention; articulate: Obviously, your attitude will impact how others perceive your message. If it is a message of inclusion and possibilities, it will motivate, but if you are perceived as being negative, your attitude will often be mirrored! Pay attention to what is being said and done, and about how current affairs, etc, might influence your action plan. Before you speak, be prepared to effectively communicate and motivate, and articulate your message clearly, and with impact!

4. Relevant; reliable: If you discuss issues which others perceive as less than priorities, you will lose their attention! Communicate in a relevant manner, and convince others, you are a reliable leader!

5. Ideas; ideology; integrity: One never leads in a vacuum, so be certain your ideas and ideology, are in sync! Remember, while it takes a considerable amount of time to gain others' trust, it takes a minor stumble to lose it! Therefore, seek to maintain absolute integrity!

6. Timely: Politicians often harp upon yesterday's problems, with lots of empty promises and rhetoric. Articulate timely, well - considered ideas and plans!

7. You: In the final analysis, it's always up to you! Will you take personal responsibility, instead of blaming and complaining? Will you create, develop and implement viable solutions, to address needs and concerns?

Muddled leadership rarely gets things done! If you want to be an effective leader, commit to CLARITY!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source:  Do You Have The Necessary CLARITY To Be An Effective Leader?

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