Leaders Must Consider And Use These 5 Steps For Better Event Negotiating

No matter your field of endeavor, or the type of organization you are leading, or whether it is a not - for - profit, or a for - profit, business, invariably, there will be occasions, when you must put on some sort of event, etc. These rules for effective negotiating, apply, for nearly any type or size group, organization and/ or event/ occasion. They are important and time - tested, yet few individuals in positions of leadership, follow them. As both a professional negotiator, and a leadership trainer, for four decades, I have consistently incorporates these 5 steps, and present them to you, because they work!

1. Goals; priorities: How can anyone possibly, effectively negotiate, unless/ until, he knows, understands and appreciates, the goals, etc, for having this event? What is the purpose? Is it educational, sales and marketing, motivational, informational, conflict resolutions, social, etc? Or is it some sort of combination of these and other purposes? Who is your target market, and what are their needs and priorities? Make those your priority, when you begin the negotiating sessions!

2. Budget: One of the most frequent, crucial errors, made, is negotiating without first creating a comprehensive budget! This budget should clearly spell out your sources of revenue/ income, as well as expenditures/ expenses. Professional negotiators use these numbers, if they have been prepared properly, to seek the best course of action, including necessary concessions, and some outside - the - box considerations. It is wise to always be conservative, when using a budget, which means, low - balling the revenues, and thinking, the worst - case scenario, when it comes to costs.

3. Clarity: Begin the process, with a clear - cut concept, of what you want, need, and how much you can spend! How will you gain this necessary clarity? Study carefully, evaluate what makes a quality event, consider what the stakeholders of the particular organization are seeking, and clearly pursue your best opportunities and approaches!

4. Think outside - the - box: Venues will generally present pre - created packages, so you must explain, from the onset, your needs, priorities and concerns. How might you work together, so everyone wins, to think outside the box, and discover solutions and alternatives, which create a win - win solution?

5. Meeting of the minds: Remember, it's only a deal, when it's signed, sealed and delivered, in writing. Try to include as many things as you might conceive of, so there are few surprises! When there is a meeting of the minds, based on mutual trust and understanding, everyone benefits!

If you're going to have events, make them work and be cost - effective! These 5 steps should help point you, in the right direction!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership and event planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source:  Leaders Must Consider And Use These 5 Steps For Better Event Negotiating

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