How to Develop an Open Relationship With God

Developing an honest and open relationship with God requires that we take the time to be with God. Our relationship with God should not be unlike any other friendship. We should spend time with God reading scripture, praying, and listening to Jesus. Otherwise, we won't develop a close bond with Him.

We all need a friend to talk to. Yes, we need our friends on earth. But more than that, we need our God to help us throughout the day. Our lives can be so fraught with uncertainty and difficulty. We can experience a lot of pain and hardship in our lives. So, developing a genuine relationship with our Lord can help us immensely to make our life less burdensome. It is so wonderful to have a Father who will always listen and be there for us with unconditional love.

Here are a few ways to develop an open and honest relationship with God:

1. Make time for God on a consistent basis by scheduling in quality time with Him. Once you spend time with your Lord, you will feel much more connected to Him.

2. Spend time with God not only in church, but also in constant prayer. Take five to ten minutes every day to actually sit down and pray. This will show God that you really care about Him.

3. Spend time reading the Bible, preferably on a daily basis. There are many Bibles available that are divided into fifteen or twenty minute segments so that you can easily read scripture every day. Purchase one of these e-books and then choose a consistent time every day to read the Bible. Try to not miss a day.

4. Take time to just BE with God. Close the door and go into a room and just sit with God. Do this on a consistent basis.

5. Live the faith-by this I mean, live in the world as God lived when He walked this earth. Do things that are completely pleasing to God.

6. Take steps to be a light in this world of darkness. Be kind and compassionate with people, especially the poor and marginalized. You should volunteer your time, talent and treasures. You will be rewarded by God and feel a lot more connected to God as a result.

By taking these steps, we will be developing a genuine relationship with God. We will also be able to feel God's presence in our life when we need God the most at some of the most difficult moments of our life. He will be there. All we have to do is turn inward and pray for a few minutes.

Further, we will be overcoming spiritual emptiness every time we connect with God. When we develop a genuine relationship with God, we will be developing a relationship of trust and respect, through which we can honour God, especially in times of need.

And at the end of our life, we don't want God to say, who are you? Instead, we would like God to gladly meet us and know who we are.

Irene S. Roth writes for teens, tweens, and kids about self-empowerment. She is the author of over thirty-five books and over five hundred online articles. She also has four hundred and sixty published book reviews both online and in print. In addition, she published a book about on how not to scattered in our culture. Please double click on this link for more information.

 By Irene Roth

Article Source: How to Develop an Open Relationship With God
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