Blinded by Lies and Ignorance and the Work of Ancient Terrorists

It is nothing short of astounding that people are so ignorant and blind they cannot see what is immediately before their eyes. Right now in overcrowded cities the pollution is so thick that one needs a mask to breathe and lights to see. That same cloud of poison wafts over oceans and land masses to devastate all life and even that is not the worst of it. Money is so important to humanity that the majority all-to-easily ignore it.

People are led like sheep to the slaughter and they are caught in the web of deceit and ignorance that power-hungry establishments thrive upon. Illegal activities see large sways of forests devastated, animal life driven to extinction, and billionaires that are so greedy they are prepared to kill everyone for the sake of their bank balance.

Following my reincarnation and with memory of being between lives a commission was received from the Great Spirit of the Universe to address that ignorance and to enlighten the masses. The Internet is the means to do it and at the time it was given, 1984, there was no such device.

With the commission, however, came 3 visions and they showed my face on a browser and my knowledge replacing that of religious prophets and fundamentalists. To complete the task, the Spirit led me back in time to the original ancient terrorists and who they are is a major surprise.

Terrorism began in Babylon and the with the Persian Empire that was established by the Amor of that city. They are described in contemporary texts as the most horrendous of people. They invaded surrounding city states, gruesomely murders chiefs and kings, stole wealth, enslaved the people, and enacted genocide against those who would not comply.

Through the visions and other things given to me, including university studies and private research, I traced the Amor into Italy. There they built their last capital Roma (Rome), the reverse of Amor and they have been hidden in history by a disconnect on the part of scholars.

As the Romans they continued their empire building. The key to their success was religion and the false gods of Babylon. Chef among them is Mary, the name given to the sun. It means 'mother's powerful eye' and it supposedly watches over everyone and knows who obeys its rule and who doesn't. The capital of the Amor after Babylon was 'Mari' and its remnants sit 11 km northwest of Abu Kabul in Syria.

The religion they carried with them into all parts they occupied is Islam. The name means 'eye of light-powerful mother'. The basic law is that men cannot marry or praise women because they would offend the Mother God. Her 5-point star sits over the establishment in every country as too over the military and law.

'Marry' comes from 'mary' and men decided they could 'wed' her by dying on crosses at dawn and riding the sun beam into 'paradise' or 'heaven'. The sunbeams became 'or-s' from 'sun-light', where 'or' is an old term for sun and [s] the same for 'light' or 'spirit'.
The beast they could later ride was the 'horse', which is named accordingly. The 'eye-quin' or 'eye of 5' became 'equine'. The relationship between the horse and the Mother God is seen in landscapes where horses were etched into them. The legal profession in Australia and elsewhere still wear wigs of horse-hair to indicate they speak for 'her'.

When Constantine, an Amorite, rose to power he established the Roman Catholic Church based on the religion of Babylon. He used Jesus Christ (his invention) as its so-called Saviour to replace 'Dagon' the half man-half fish god of Babylon. The fish is still used as a symbol for Christianity for this reason.

The Trinity is in recognition of the sun, the moon, and the light, of the religion of Islam. Constantine made it a vital part of his religion and few could or can understand it. He also altered many systems including the laws of inheritance. He controls the economic situation by the things he put in place and he built the first Christian churches and the Vatican. He is described in Revelation 13:12-18 as the one with the number 666.

Later in the 4th Century Jerome was appointed to compile the New Testament. He did that based on the laws of Islam and is known as the 'doctor of the church'. Augustine Mia, bishop of Hippo, was appointed to begin the Muslim branch and he did that through a man named Mohammed, whom he trained as a prophet while he probably compiled the Koran.

People were compelled to adopt this religion and many were brutally slain, maimed, or enslaved who didn't. In reports the soldiers gouged out eyes and seared wounds with hot irons. The number of blind in Roman territories is recorded plus the invalids crippled on orders from Constantine and his cohorts. As it began the brutality of the religion continued.

The religions gained enormous footholds and the books supposedly written by God were contaminated, altered, added to, and subtracted from by printers, religious leaders, and others (Jeremiah 37:10). In prophecies of the Old Testament and in Revelation, despite the changes, the Spirit warns against the ancient terrorists and their modern tactics.

While some might think this has nothing to do with the Spirit they should think again. It is in prophecy that God blinded their eyes and deafened their ears to the truth (Isaiah 29:10-12) until the time when a woman will surround and defeat the second beast of Revelation (Jeremiah 31:22). That time has come.

Through the Internet the new teaching is going forth (Jeremiah 25:31,33) and the Amorite is being beaten down (Amos 2:9). Religions the world over are on the back-foot as the end of the time given to us approaches. Those who are spiritual will see the truth within these words. Those who are non-spiritual will simply be taken away forever.

The blindness and ignorance imposed over nations by the ancient terrorists is coming to an end.

The work of the 2 beasts of Revelation goes to the heart of the financial systems through which they still run the world. My experience is pertinent to understanding why these things are known by me and are published on the Internet for free.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: Blinded by Lies and Ignorance and the Work of Ancient Terrorists
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