Why Real Leaders Must Be TRUSTED

Before considering seeking any leadership position, take a moment, and ask yourself, honestly, why should anyone listen to, and/ or follow me! Make a list, and see if it includes: a positive, cam - do attitude; extensive training and learning; relevant experience, which has provided you with the right type of much - needed expertise; the desire to serve others; and, perhaps, most importantly, evaluate whether you are trustworthy, and will commit to maintaining absolute integrity, despite temptations to take shortcuts! One of the main reasons, we often witness such a dearth of genuine leaders/ leadership, is, being an effective leader, requires a high level of commitment, self - sacrifice, and behaving in such a manner, you can be relied upon, and TRUSTED!

1. Timely; truth: After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, and observing many more, I've decided/ discovered, far too few, are ready, willing and/ or able to accept the truth, especially about themselves, or something they would perhaps, rather not hear! Unless someone consistently takes well - considered, timely action (acting when most others try to avoid doing so), they do not deserve that trust! Our trust must be earned, rather than merely granted, because someone holds some position of leadership!

2. Relevant; reliable; real: Real leaders face facts, expand their comfort zones, and create/ develop quality, realistic strategies and action plans! One gains a degree of trust when he is considered reliable. A leader must focus on relevant factors, rather than sweating the petty stuff!

3. Unusual; usual; unique; urgent; urge; useful: Great leaders master both the unusual, as well as usual assets and components of leading effectively. They use their unique strengths, to clearly demonstrate they deserve other's trust! They prioritize the urgent, rather than the mundane, and articulate their message, in such a way, as to urge their constituents, to do and care more deeply! Their actions and planning, are motivated by whether or not it is useful, rather than merely popular or simple!

4. Stronger; sustainable system: Constituents look to their leaders, to make the organization stronger, than he found it. This means preserving the strengths, heritage and mission (although often tweaking these), and conceiving of, creating, developing, and implementing a quality, sustainable system.

5. Traction; temperament: Is your temperament level and consistent, or uneven and irregular? Only when others perceive of someone as reliable, steady - handed, and strong, do they become comfortable and trusting! Seek leaders who discover ways to increase the group's traction, in relevant directions and areas!

6. Empathetic; excellence; elicit: If you hope to elicit the best results from constituents, it is essential to demonstrate clearly, you are an empathetic leader! Never accept being mediocre, but seek excellence!

7. Delve deeply; depth; hold dear; deliver: Prioritize what you hold dear, and motivate others by the depth of your convictions! Delve deeply into alternatives, strategies, etc, and proceed forward in the best direction! Under - promise, and over - deliver.

You'll never be an effective leader, if your constituents do not believe, you can be TRUSTED! Should you become a leader?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Why Real Leaders Must Be TRUSTED
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