Why Hire A Personal Life Coach?

Here are a few key reasons how hiring a Personal Life Coach can unlock your highest potential.

Done with therapy. It can feel great to talk about our problems but it doesn't solve them. We can look at what we think is wrong all day long. Or we can change our perspective. Looking back and analysing only gets us so far. We need to take action.

Feeling stuck. People can feel stuck in life and in their current situation. When you are involved in the detail of your life, it can be difficult to see your options. Coaching helps you to see all potential options and understand limiting beliefs so you can really see what is possible.

Feeling lost. Many clients find that they have ended up in a career or a relationship and don't know how they got there. It isn't their passion. It may not be what they studied or wished for. They can feel lost and confused, unsure about how to make changes in their life. Their confidence could be low. They experience the benefit of having support, encouragement and accountability that a coach offers. Coaches ask the questions and the clients have the answers. It's about unlocking a persons potential which is lying dormant.

Unhappy. People can be unhappy for a number of reasons and become familiar with this state of being. Coaching is positive outcome focused, so we are not relying on analysing the unhappiness and digging up old ground. We look at where you are now and how you want your life to be. And then focus on moving in the right direction.

Being Comfortable. Your comfort zone is the zone of safety. Or is it? It is scary yet amazing to feel the buzz when you move out of your comfort zone. Coaching enables people to see their potential and move towards it, without the negative voices or distractions holding you back. The closer you are to moving out of your comfort zone, the louder the voice of doubt and fear becomes. So having a coach is invaluable at helping you to create the life you really want before any self sabotaging behaviours appear.

Feeling scared. Change is scary and it can prevent us from taking action which would lead us to our happiest self.

Feeling happy. Coaching isn't only for people who relate to any of the above instances. When you are feeling great, this is an excellent time to hire a coach to get you feeling even greater. We are never fixed or sorted. We always have more growing and developing to do. We have so much potential which we can unlock further.

I'm Laura Jane Hand and I am a Personal Development Coach. I love what I do because I help people to grow. To become the people they are capable of being. Wherever you are now, you have more to give. Let's unlock the potential within you. Call me on 07760144405.

 By Laura Jane Hand

Article Source: Why Hire A Personal Life Coach?

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