Do you find yourself constantly blaming your family, your spouse, your kids, the economy, the government or your neighbors for your unhappiness. Or perhaps each one of these represents something you don't like or they are at fault for.
Blaming our parents for the way they raised us is the number one reason to blame that presents itself to most people. If only our parents didn't fight, or didn't have money issues or paid more attention to me my life would be great.
If you find yourself putting the blame on someone or something else for the problems in your life then there is one fact you must accept. YOU ARE LIVING AS A VICTIM. You have a victim mentality that holds everyone responsible for your success, happiness, health and abundance.
I remember as a little child that I held myself responsible at all times for my actions. And I was willing to take the backlash if any. I was born that way I guess. I didn't blame my parents or siblings or anything else for why I didn't get what I wanted or my own way.
But over time I learned to start seeing people as the problem, a learned thing, and eventually fell into the blame game. I stayed there only briefly as I quickly realized this was not what I believed only a construct of what I was taught.
You see the real truth is no one is responsible for your unhappiness, your poor health or your lack of abundance. No one else is to blame for any of this.
The reason you blame others is because you lack courage to make the conscious changes required to move past your limiting beliefs and say to yourself I am enough. You lack self love which says I am just as good as everyone on this planet and I deserve to be happy.
The reason you blame everyone else is because as uncomfortable as it makes you feel to not get want you want it's less uncomfortable than actually taking a stand for yourself and make the changes to get want you want. Which is also very uncomfortable. Life is uncomfortable. The degree to which you perceive the discomfort and move past it is up to you. Life is also very enjoyable. It is all a perception based on your current belief system.
Everyone in existence is their own person with their own personal power. No none can dominate, control you or your circumstances without your consent. When you play the BLAME GAME you are actually playing the role of the victim in your life. You are saying to yourself and everyone else that you are not in control of your life and you therefore attract more people and circumstances that reinforce your victim mentality. More people will try to control you and you will experience more of what you don't want.
I played this role briefly and trust me when I say that it is not what each of us was meant to experience. You are not a victim. You are a vibrant, powerful and loving energy that is in control of it's own life. We all have the ability to create happiness, health and prosperity.
This is one of the most difficult mindsets to overcome so be patient with yourself. Whenever you find yourself blaming anything or anyone ask yourself what part you had to play in it. Here is a lesson in accountability which no one likes to learn. Why is it so difficult? Because we don't want to see where we might have to learn something, change our behaviour, be wrong, or indeed change. Change is uncomfortable and it is threatening to the point of panic for many of us.
I ask you though. The situations in your life which cause you discomfort, or anger, or stress are they worth having? Would you do something to eliminate them if you could? Would you rather live with them doing nothing different hoping they will go away and they never do. Or would you risk the DISCOMFORT OF CHANGE and know that eventually they must go away because you are implementing change to make it so.
There is discomfort in life and it is our reaction to it or our perception of it that keeps us in a state of constant angst about it. Do you think that there are people with perfect lives experiencing no financial problems, no bad health and perfect relationships.? No, they experience hardships and difficult relationships but deal with it differently. They are not victims that blame the other person or situations for what is happening. They look at themselves and say what can I do differently or learn to make this situation better. They don't say what can you do to make this better for me. It's accountability for their own life that keeps them going against all odds.
Life is not perfect. Life is about change and movement and taking action even if it scares the heck out of you. Fear is a common denominator in our BLAME GAME. We fear we cannot change or we fear the power we may have if we do change. We fear people we now associate with will leave us because we have changed. Well yes some of them will as we leave behind our victim mentality and grow in the powerful beings we are. Trust me you will not miss them as they will not think or act with what is best for you anymore.
The new game you will be playing is the personal power game where you see yourself for who you really are. A creator of your own life.
We give our power away constantly to people who would take it. The controllers who do not believe they have control over their own life. So they must busy themselves with finding the fault and subsequent redemption of you through their misplaced conception they know what's right for you.
If you are also a controlling person this is a clear indication of a victim mentality. Believe or not everyone has domain over their own life. You are not responsible for changing anyone else. They are responsible for their changes if they decide it is to be so. If you don't like the way they act, either change how you respond to it, ignore it or move on.
Choose to take back your personal power and understand that any decision you make in your life is the right one based on your current belief system. If you are experiencing issues in your life that don't work for you anymore only you can change them. Change the way you see them by thinking of the positive outcomes only of your intended actions. Wipe clean from your mind and heart that what you want is not possible. Scientifically it has been proven now that what you give your energy to must be created.
How will you proceed in life. Blaming others and giving them control. Or taking accountability for your life and nourish your personal power.
Being Self Help is your online resource for books, articles, programs and quotes that help with all issues in life. From wealth to health the first place to start is with your energetic or spiritual self. We already possess everything we desire we just need to learn how to allow it into our lives.
By Margaret Z
Article Source: Living the Blame Game - How It Extinguishes Your Personal Power