I've never thought of myself as selfish, but when I looked at all the times I made excuses for why I did not want to share this gift (I don't want anyone to know what I've really been through, it's too personal, I'm not a speaker, God understands that I am not ready) yeah, I was selfish. To be blessed to overcome so many things, and then withhold the freedom of others by hiding behind a moment of being uncomfortable was selfish of me. I had a friend say to me once "the world is waiting and in need of your story", I sarcastically said, "they are going to have a long wait". How things change when you honestly examine yourself and realize it's not all about you.
In this new year, I enter a new chapter of my life and there is so much that I desire to accomplish. However, my greatest accomplishment is the giving of this gift. I realize it is going to take me places I never thought I would go and before people I didn't know I would meet. I am so blessed to be able to share my story, because there are so many who couldn't. I am thankful for the support I have received, and those that God has placed around me; their strength is comforting and they push me to do and be better and I am grateful.
We all have a story. Some chapters we would soon like to forget and that's OK but it's the chapters we want to forget that are the ones somebody is waiting for and needs you to share.
Sharing the gift,
By Andrea M Smith
Article Source: My Story Is a Gift