International Trade and International Shipping

Is the United Nation's International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) safe for our global economy, economic trade, and peace in the world? Sometimes I do wonder. If we try to stop all the CO2 emissions in the world from trucks, trains, ships, and planes how can we get the needed supplies around the world to help humanity prosper and enjoy the abundance of our endeavors and live our life experiences to the fullest possible? It seems the IPCC's agenda and targets to reduce emissions of CO2 may conflict with life on Earth, specifically human life. Let me explain as this issue recently came up at our think tank and we spent hours trying to justify the IPCC's recommendations from their COP21 global meeting.

The IPCC has identified "international trade" and "International Shipping" as big CO2 emission problems - some suggest that we need to stop such things or impose huge taxes (wonder what the IPCC will do with those?) to stop the increase in trade. Essentially shutting down "emerging markets" and nations on their way up and severely punishing and taxing high-output or the most efficient nations. If this occurs, then shipments of food stuff will cause more civil unrest and deaths than all the previous human wars combined, and that is not even a stretch of the imagination as one of the potential outcomes to these UN do-gooders paving humankind's road to hell.

Do you doubt the severity of a rev-limiter on global shipping being proposed by the IPCC? Well, here is the reference: IPCC "International Transportation Forum COP21 - pdf handout.

Can you imagine the ports in the world shipping at half-mast? Can you imagine the companies laying-off people as they could not deliver their goods to foreign customers? Could you imagine the price increases of everything you buy if it had to be made in the region where you live? There would be many types of produce and agricultural products you may not ever see again, as they just don't grow in your region and if they did they would require special greenhouses using a tremendous amount of energy.

The faulty logic of taxing shipping, aviation, rail to the point of exhaustion and then giving that money to the IPCC to supposedly solve the problem of climate change is ridiculous, and even if they thought they could do some sort of geo-engineering, would you want them to experiment with our planet when they don't even understand basic economics or the value of free-trade and capitalism? Think on this.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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