Plumber - Common Plumber Tools

If you have ever experienced a blocked drain or a leaking pipe, then you understand the importance of a plumber. The services of a plumber will ensure you do not suffer losses in your business or industry due to plumbing problems. The plumber will be able to assess the issue at hand and identify the source of the problem. He will then fix the problem ensuring that the activities in the business can continue uninterrupted.

There are a wide variety of tasks that a plumber can carry out and there are also specialties in the trade which require additional training.

Importance of tools

A plumber is required to carry out a variety of tasks, from cleaning blocked drains to installing and repairing hot water systems. For each job, a plumber should know the materials and tools that will be required to carry out the job to completion.

A plumber should be able to have some carpentry skills. These skills will be required when he has to access pipes and other fittings that are concealed behind walls or underneath. He also has to carry out some welding, soldering and cementing and therefore has to have the right tools at hand.


A plunger is a very common tool that is required every so often. It is used to unblock toilets, sinks, bath tubs and floor drains. The plumber creates a firm seal by pressing the plunger down against the opening of the drain. Once it is pressed down, a vacuum is created which draws up the clog when the plunger is released. The plungers used to unblock toilets are the heavy duty strong types.

Hand auger

A hand auger is used to clear any blockage in the drain after unsuccessfully using a plunger. It is a long flexible cable made from steel wires that can easily go down the twists and turns of the drain. Once the blockage is reached, a motor is turned on and the clog is broken down into small particles. The small particles are thus able to flow down the drain. A closet auger works the same way as a hand auger only that the plumber has to manually turn it to break the clog into small particles.

Pipe wrench

The pipe wrench is a heavy, large tool which is used by the plumber to loosen or tighten nuts and fittings. This tool has strong teeth which are used to firmly grip the fittings. The plumber therefore has to be careful not to ruin the finishing on the fittings. He can do this by using a rug on the jaws before using the wrench on the fittings. Normally, a plumber uses one wrench to grip the item while the other one is used to turn.

Hacksaws and cutters

The hacksaw is used by a plumber to cut plastic and metal pipes, bolts and nuts and other hard material. If the cut is a difficult one, the blade has to be tensed up in the blade.

A tubing cutter on the other hand is used to cut through pipes which are made from copper. The cutter comes in different sizes including the standard size and the mini-cutter which is used to cut pipes that are located in a small space.
About the Author
You can count on James Hasapis who is a team member a team of experienced and professional plumbers at Pipe Masters. They offer twenty four hour emergency plumbing services among other services in South Western Sydney. Please visit Pipe Masters for more information.
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