Riders On The Storm

In today's chaotic world one can relate to the Doors rendition of "Riders On The Storm". We as a society especially after the Trump election victory that's if you can call it that, precludes that we all are riders on a storm. A storm of unimaginable upheaval in the world around. I can remember a time back in the late 60's when Vietnam tore this nation apart. The song that set the tone of that period was "Riders On The Storm". Now today the mood is almost the same when the unexpected occurred with Trump winning the Presidency.To quote the lyrics of that song is as symbolic as it was back then as it is today. "Riders on the storm, into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown, like a dog without a bone, an actor out alone." As profound as these lyrics are they have had a resiliency that depicts history repeating. The times have changed the bit players are new but the general theme of discontent that has invoked a national consciousness to rally around the wrongs against society whether it was Vietnam or the election of Trump remains the same.

We are all riders on the storm. With apprehension, worry and dismay we grudgingly await each day to a realm of reality far removed from the times of just yesterday. The sheer shock that has settled in is an irreversible reality. It has already affected the moral fiber of our whole society. Like Limburger Cheese the aroma that has now permeated from this Presidential election has spread into every pore of our nation today.
It is not too well known that the United States is the only democratic republic that has two sets of criteria in choosing the head of state. And, in America today that head of state is the President. The Electoral College that was established when our founding fathers framed the Constitution wanted to safeguard this new nation from becoming a monarchy or becoming a totalitarian state. The Electoral College originally was set up to thwart tyranny of the majority. In doing so they incorporated rules that align themselves with the requirements for treaties to be ratified. With today's Presidential outcome where the majority of the voters chose Clinton over Trump but the Electoral College over ruled the popular vote questions have now surfaced.

Is the electoral college in violation of majority rule?

Since 2000 the electoral college has overturned and over ruled the popular vote which allowed the minority to succeed in selecting the President. As a result the electoral college didn't prevent tyranny of the majority but instead provided the gateway for tyranny of the minority. What this past election says is that the electoral college chose a candidate supported by just one particular social group over not only the majority of voters but also over the vast number of minority interests in the country.

We are all riders on this post election storm. It can be arguably said that the Electoral College violates political equality and popular choice. The perverse consequences of this Electoral College has now become the exact opposite of what our founding fathers initiated. It has not protected American democracy from tyranny of the majority it has only allowed tyranny of the minority. And until we understand this and correct the huge flaw in our democratic process we will continue to be riders on the storm.
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