How A Leader RESPONDS To Obstacles

Before you, even, consider getting involved in leadership, it is essential, to realize, recognize and understand, there will inevitably be, some sort of obstacles, which, at least temporarily, interfere with how you might like to get things done, and what you want to achieve. It is how one handles any obstacle, which generally makes much of the difference, between an effective, quality leader, and the wannabes! True leaders recognition these realities, and are ready, willing and able, to consider them merely, as challenges, rather than problems. When one permits any obstacle, to become problematic, he defeats himself, because it limits his possibilities, because, instead of proceeding with a positive, can - do, attitude, he thinks only, of all the reasons something can't be done, or achieved. Possibility thinkers nearly always have better outcomes and results, than those who view solutions, as being impossible! Therefore, this article, will review, using the mnemonic approach, how a real leader RESPONDS to obstacles.

1. Reaction/ response; relevance; reliable; right away: When confronted with a challenge, will your response be, to hide your head in the sand, or will your reaction, immediately be focused on finding the best solution? Will you get hung up on petty stuff, or will you have the ability to differentiate between what is relevant, needed, and a priority? Will others be able to depend upon you, consistently, for reliable ideas and approaches? Will you procrastinate, or will you proceed to address an issue, right away?

2. Empathy; entire; excellence: Will you take the time, and make a concerted effort, to listen and learn, and to discover, how your constituents perceive of things, what they are most concerned about, and what they consider their needs and priorities? Only when you proceed with the utmost empathy, and look at the entire, bigger - picture, will you possess the ability to proceed with the excellence, your constituents deserve!

3. Supportive; sustainable system: Will you focus on the needs of your stakeholders, and focus on being supportive? Do you understand, one only becomes a real leader, when/ if, he conceives of, creates, develops and implements a quality, sustainable system?

4. Planning; precision; priorities: One only leads effectively, when he makes a concerted effort, to plan to lead! Leadership planning must be precise, properly directed, thorough, and address priorities, needs and concerns!

5. Options; opportunities: There's always more than one way to address any challenge! Which option and alternative, you choose, will impact whether you are ready, willing and able, to identify and take advantage of the best opportunities!

6. Needs: Leading must be all about needs! No matter how well - intentioned you are, until/ unless, others believe in you, and your motives, they will never follow! Needs - oriented leaders are capable of responding to any obstacles, because they are generally willing to consider options and alternatives!

7. Delves deeply; delivers: One who is willing to consistently delve deeply into any issue, rather than settling for, or seeking the status quo, is nearly always more responsive, and better prepared! However, it is not enough to merely be ready and/ or willing, but a true leader delivers on promises, and seeks solutions and results!

8. Solutions; solving; strengthening: Everything you do, should seek to strengthen your organization, in a positive, productive way! Ask yourself, if your approach and/ or idea, is solving what needs to be addressed! Unless you seek solutions, rather than blaming others and complaining, you will never be the type of responsive leader, who makes a real, necessary difference!

You can perceive of an obstacle as impossible, or map a route around, under or over it! How one RESPONDS, often differentiates our greatest leaders from the wannabes!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: How A Leader RESPONDS To Obstacles

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