How to Avoid the Feeling of Being Unfairly Treated

Is being unfairly treated something that gets under your skin? How do you react when you are being unfairly treated? Let's say someone has started false rumors about you or lies about you and your name is at stake.

Being unfairly treated, unfairness and attack are one mistake, so firmly joined that where one is perceived, the other must be seen. You cannot be unfairly treated when you are operating in the spiritual realm.

The belief that you are is another form of the idea that you are being deprived by someone other than yourself. But how can you ever be deprived by God, the Holy Spirit, and the whole child Who is the true divine Essence of all you encounter day in and day out?

They are You in total and complete wholeness.

Projecting the cause of your sacrifice or sense of lack is at the root of everything you perceive to be unfair. But you are the one asking this of yourself, and seeing the injustice. You have no enemy except to yourself, and are enemy indeed to him who so unfairly was unjust.

Is it his fault that you don't know him as you know yourself?

But in the real world, aren't you the one being unjust? You have deprived him of what he is, denied him the right to be himself, and you are asking him to sacrifice for the ego in you who thinks you are being unfairly treated.

Beware of the temptation to perceive yourself as being unfairly treated. In this picture, you are seeking an innocence that is not Theirs, but is yours alone, at the cost of somebody else's guilt.
Anytime the game of guilt is played, somebody must lose. Someone must lose innocence where someone else can take it from him, making it his own.

The Holy Spirit's purpose is to let the presence of your Holy Ghosts, including Him, to be known to you. Nothing can be added to this purpose, as the world is purposeless except for this.

Therefore, simply ask the Holy Spirit to help you see Them as your invited Guests as you begin operating in the spiritual realm.

God, the Holy Spirit, and the whole Child are as one, and They are You in total and complete wholeness.

Just remember that you are of this party of Guests, which are the knower, the known, and knowledge. As you move into operating in the spiritual realm at different moments and under different circumstances, ask yourself this question: Which one am I?

To operating in the spiritual realm.

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

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 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: How to Avoid the Feeling of Being Unfairly Treated

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