Love and Feeling - The Feeling of Love

The feeling of love is what I need more often, is a thought by many. I need more love and feeling in my life, many think. How can I get this inner freedom, after all, I think I'm spiritual, many will say.

The feeling of love and spiritual freedom is obtained through God realization and is sometimes mistakenly considered to be the selfish aim of a limited individual for personal gain.

But in reality there is no room for any such selfishness or limited realization. Rather, any gain-whether financial, to one's reputation, the feeling of love, love and feeling, or otherwise-is the final aim of the limited and narrow life of the separated ego.

But the go itself in all its illusion, can't find the feeling of love.

God realization which is love and feeling is the result of the attainment of all the undoing of errors in our lives and accepted by the Holy Spirit.

When you ask the Holy Spirit-your inner Guide, to undo some confusion you are having, you do this on behalf of the whole Child of God experienced in human form, but as a whole and not separate beings. There will be effects realized.

This is so because truth is won through this undoing of errors we all make; and only then can God be realized and the feeling of love surfaced. In this realization of truth you will gain expressions of a spontaneous and undivided life of love, peace, and harmony, because you have ruled out guilt.

Material gain is not sought after; however it often seems to flow into the life of those for whom it is the means necessary to fulfill their purpose.

This is why with love and feeling you can never be lacking. The life of spiritual freedom is a pure blessing to all of humanity as it spreads.

Don't be surprised if you have people say to you, "I want what you have."

What, then, remains to be undone for you to realize Their presence, meaning God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as one and of your whole mind. Yes, They, are Who you are?

Many of us have different views of the feeling of love and when attack is justified, and when we think it is not to be allowed. But it's not unusual that when we perceive something as unfair, we think a response of anger is just.

When we are angry at another, however, we are seeing what is the same as being different.

The presence of any confusion over whether anger or attack is justified, in whatever form, will hide Their presence, because They are not clearly known or not known at all.

Confused perception will block knowledge. It is not a question of love and feeling and the degree of confusion, or how much it interferes.

Remember, the ego can play around with your perception of love and feeling, but cannot touch knowledge or have the feeling of love. Your confused perception shuts the door to Their knowledge and keeps what They know unknown to you.

What does it mean if you perceive attack in certain forms to be unfair to you?

It means there must be some forms in which you think attack is fair. Otherwise, how could some instances be evaluated as unfair? Some, then, are given meaning and perceived as sensible, and some are seen as meaningless. It takes true healing for maximum potential in love and feeling.

So now, through the ego's tactics, this denies the fact that all are equally senseless, without cause or consequence, and cannot have effects of any kind.

Their Presence becomes obscured by this tainting to your perception by the ego, which stands between Their shining and your awareness that is your own, and equally belonging to every living thing along with you.

Remember, God has no limits.

What is limited cannot be Heaven; if you accept limitations as real, you must believe in a hell where there is no feeling of love.

To your feeling of love.

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

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 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Love and Feeling - The Feeling of Love

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