One Must Begin, But Real Leaders FINISH

Nearly all of us, have come into contact, or know someone, who is well - meaning, has some excellent ideas and/ or thoughts, and consistently begins important, quality projects, but almost never, brings them to fruition! While this is often an issue in one's everyday life, it often becomes both a fault, and a weakness, when exhibited by someone in a position of leadership! After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting, to thousands of actual and/ or potential leaders, I've learned, one of the first, easiest identify differences between effective, meaningful leaders, and the rest of the pack, is, the best leaders are always those that FINISH what they start! While it's essential to begin, it has to go somewhere, or it becomes irrelevant!

1. Face facts; find: Don't become a lost leader, but seek to find your way, from the searching and/ or discovering stages, to bringing something to fruition! To do so, you must openly and thoroughly research and face facts, and proceed to address the needs, etc. The difference, often, between those who successfully achieve, and others, is the first group, finds a way, to get things done, regardless of obstacles and/ or challenges, which may fall in their path!

2. Ideas; ideology; improve: If one in a leadership position has good ideas, but if these are not in sync with the ideology and/ or mission of the organization, they probably will not produce desirable results! Great leaders focus on ways to improve their group, and prioritize needs, concerns, etc, while maintaining a big - picture, mentality!

3. Needs; nuances: Nearly every group has some unique characteristics, heritage, membership, mission, etc. Therefore, address the best way to serve these, while enhancing the group, by effectively utilizing the relevant nuances! True leadership is about focusing on needs!

4. Institute; integrity: Are the plans and/ or ideas, you seek to institute, in the best long - term interests, of the group, you serve? Are you someone who will maintain absolute integrity, rather than taking shortcuts, or seeking additional popularity?

5. Solutions; strengthening; sustainable system: Will you seek solutions, and do all you can, to put them in place, or will you merely articulate ideas, without following through? Will you be a strengthening, positive leader, who seeks to elicit greater involvement from constituents? How will you create, develop, and implement, the most relevant, sustainable system?

6. Head/ heart; make it happen: How will you seek synergies between your logical and emotional components, in order to create and develop, the optimum, head/ heart balance? Will you persist and persevere, until you make it happen?

It's necessary to start, but the defining moment, for quality leaders, is their ability and willingness, to FINISH! Are you prepared for this responsibility?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: One Must Begin, But Real Leaders FINISH

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