How to Have Peace of Mind in Daily Life

Can you have peace of mind in daily life? Is maintaining a peaceful mind possible in everyday life, and in all situations and circumstances? Can we answer, what is truth?

Actually, there are a few things you can do to know what is truth and enjoy peace of mind in daily life, and in time, you might gain the ability to experience it quite often.

What else can correct illusions but truth and opening you to a peaceful mind? What are errors but illusions that remain unrecognized for what they are? What is truth is where errors disappear.

Miracles reveal that, Illusions merely vanish from a peaceful mind, leaving not a trace by which to be remembered.

They are gone because without belief they have no life. They disappear to nothingness, returning to whence they came. From dust to dust they go, but what is truth and peace of mind in daily life carries on.

Can you imagine what a state of mind it would be without illusion? How would it feel? We would know the answer to what is truth.

Yet, the ego will tell you this is impossible.
Try to remember when there was a time, perhaps a minute, maybe even less, when nothing came to interrupt your peaceful mind. A period when you were certain you were loved and safe.

Then, try to picture what it would be like to have that peaceful mind moment extended to the end of time and into eternity.

Let the sense of quiet you felt be multiplied a hundred times and then a hundred more.

When truth has come, it wipes out illusion and there is no fear, no doubt, and no attack. When truth has come, you have peace of mind in daily life and all pain is over, because there's no room for transient thinking and for dead ideas to linger in your mind.

What is truth and peace of mind in daily life cannot be found, but it can be won, and when it is, it is a permanent victory. It doesn't come to stay a while and change to something else. Illusions can never turn into truth or a peaceful mind.

What is truth will correct all errors in your mind, which are telling you that you are separate from God. When you find yourself overwhelmed with confusion, understand that your mind is overloaded with errors, and keeping you from maximum potential. This was caused merely by the ego's tainting of your perceptions.

I'd like to offer you this EXERCISE:
Ask the Holy Spirit-your divine inner Guide, Comforter, and Healer to undo the errors by using these words, or similar words of your own, in the form of a prayer or in meditation.

Get into your favorite position for feeling the essence of what you are... Keep it simple and use the type of language you would when talking to yourself.

This is how I talk to the Holy Spirit within me:

Holy Spirit, my Teacher and Guide for life. I realize that truth will correct all errors in my mind.

Please enforce truth within me so that I may see the real world in true light.

I think I've let some crazy illusions take over, and thank you for undoing my errors in thought. 

Each time you do this to correct errors in your mind, you are also speaking for the world, because along with what is truth and peace of mind in daily life, you are one with it all.

To your peaceful mind

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

I'm also offering you a subscription to my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, which includes the first two books of my ever-developing series shipped to you, and my ongoing webinars, videos and so much more helping everyday people live life on their own terms. If you're interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wealth, visit me here:

 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: How to Have Peace of Mind in Daily Life

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