Give Thanks

Hello Everyone,

My name is Betty Syombua Kimeu. I am a mother of a handsome boy, Ethan that I adore and love so much. He's just an amazing little man. Ever since I first met him, my life has been nothing but awesome. He's taught me to love in a way I never knew I could love someone. A love so true and so unconditional. Why talk about my son Ethan you may ask. Ethan is my miracle baby. Reason being even though God planned that he would happen, I had never really planned to have him at the time he came.

October 1, 2015, is a day I'm going to remember for a long time to come. I had missed my periods for two months now and for some time had been thinking that it was because I had been taking some anti-malaria drugs and some typhoid drugs thanks to some quack fellow misdiagnosing me. But on this day I decided to get a kit just to get the doubts out of the way. I have never been so shocked like I was on that day. I was in denial. How, when, why? I had so many questions. Why would God let it happen when the timing was just so wrong?

I had just quit my employment a few months before then to go back to school to pursue my master's degree so clearly with no monthly salary, just having gone back to school and my baby's daddy having denied responsibility, my world came crashing. I had no idea how I would survive. The future in one instant became so bleak. The coming months would be harrowing. My parents especially my mum's denial of the situation was heart-breaking. Here I was, pregnant and not sure how I was going to plan for my baby who was going to be coming in seven months. And I had no single cent on me.

But with my son having four months to go to his first birthday, here is what I have learned. That God is always faithful. That God will never leave you nor forsake you. That though we have sinned and fallen short of his glory, His mercies towards us are never ending. During that trying time, the situation drew me closer to God. I realised that, though a situation that you are going through may not be what you are anticipating for, there has to be a good reason why it happened. So give thanks.

And today I give thanks for my son every day. Ever since he came into my life, everything has changed for the better. I have made so many positive changes in my life. He makes me happy. He has made me blessed. He has given me a reason to wake up every morning and work so hard just so that I give him an awesome life. Through him, I see Jesus's continued works in my life. So I would like to encourage you who's feeling confused and lost about a certain situation in your life, it's always darkest before dawn. Your dawn is coming.

In Isaiah 40:31 we are reminded that those put our hope in the lord will renew their strength. They will soar like eagles and not grow weary. That they will run and not grow faint. And that's what I had to learn to do best. And He showed himself in our lives. By his grace, my baby shopping and hospital bills were taken care. By his grace, I have opened up a business that is picking up so well. By his grace, I am still taking my master's classes. By his grace, my son is a happy healthy little champ... Do we all have reasons to show an attitude of gratitude?

Stay Blessed!

 By Betty S Kimeu

Article Source:  Give Thanks

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