From The Dark And Into The Light

In the 1700's William Cowper lost his mother at a young age. From that painful moment he spent much of his life battling depression and suicidal thoughts. His father sent him away to boarding school, and Cowper found himself feeling very alone in the world.

He believed himself to be cursed by God and threw away his Bible and resigned himself to a miserable fate. In his mind the world was only darkness and pain. Having given up on life he suffered a nervous breakdown and was then admitted to a hospital.

Then something unexpected happened to Cowper. At the hospital he met a doctor who told him he was not cursed. The doctor understood pain and even more so understood grace. He shared that God is a loving Father, and taught Cowper the true meaning of forgiveness.

Cowper would later testify that after listening to the doctor the light dawned inside. He shared, "I was so overwhelmed I think I should have died with gratitude and joy. My eyes filled with tears and my voice was choked. I could only look up to heaven in silence, overwhelmed with love and wonder."

Leaving the hospital he eventually found a church pastored by a former slave trader named John Newton. Newton himself knew darkness, having lived in grave sin for much of his life before surrendering his soul to Christ. Newton is best known for writing "Amazing Grace." He became a mentor to Cowper, and together they would produce dozens of hymns.

Cowper would say that Newton was one of the truest friends a man could find, and said that in Newton he found someone who not only believed in God, but who had joy in their heart. Here was a living, breathing testimony of forgiveness and grace. Newton, who not only traded but also tortured slaves, died to his old life and rejoiced that God would save "a wretch" such as he.

Cowper and Newton would take long walks together, discussing faith and life, and ultimately the truth about God and forgiveness. It was a transformative time for both men. In their shared experience of a new life and love of music and poetry, they were led to produce some of the most famous hymns in history.

Perhaps Cowper's most personal song was:

There is a fountain filled with blood
drawn from Emmanuel's veins;
and sinners plunged beneath that flood
lose all their guilty stains.

Having known pain and darkness for so long, Cowper wanted others to know the light of love he knew when his life was made new again by his faith in Christ. Such is the power of redemption, such is the power of grace, such is the power of sinners losing all their guilty stains.

 By Tobin Crenshaw

Article Source: From The Dark And Into The Light

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