7 Steps To Quit Smoking

Some things seem to go together and for male smokers it is often sport and friends. For some these things are so bound up together that it is hard to separate them.

In these situations they don't need to do the polite thing and go outside for a smoke. The TV room will be thick with smoke beer fumes and the smell of take away pizza.

This can be difficult for the one person who wants to quit smoking. So what can they do? The other guys might be helpful and smoke outside, but as the beers flow during the big game this will become less and less likely.

Some of your friends may even make more difficult by taunting you and challenging you. Male friends can do some weird things in the name of being funny.

The other problem, as if a lack of support and a room full of smoke isn't enough, is that you have the combination of cigarettes, beer, sport and friends locked in solidly into your life style.
The problem is that over time you have conditioned your unconscious mind to believing that you need to smoke in order to fully enjoy your sport and your time with your friends.
So now you are in a bind, if you quit it seems that you can't enjoy yourself, but if you continue you are at risk of all the nasty things you fear.

So here is a suggested Seven step course of action.
  1. Decide once and for all that you will quit, not that you will try but that you will quit!
  2. Book your hypnosis session with a quit smoking specialist.
  3. Follow all advice given in your session.
  4. Give yourself some space for at least a few days before plunging back into your sport watching group.
  5. For the first few times limit your alcohol to a level below your, doing dumb stuff threshold!
  6. Tell your friends what you are doing and notice who supports you and who doesn't.
  7. Or perhaps you don't even mention it, you could say you have a sore throat if you are challenged, as the beers flow they will forget about you not smoking. Or some weeks later they may notice, and you can lightly tell them you quit.
Soon you can enjoy your sports and a few beers, but I have to warn you that the smoke haze might be annoying.

And now for you to discover the 5 big mistakes most people make when trying to quit smoking. go to http://howtoquitsmokingcigarettesnow.com/
Wishing you the best of health
Ian Newton

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