Donald Trump and His Possible Impacts on Real Estate

It has been three days since Republican bet Donald Trump shockingly won the US presidential elections. Months before his astounding win, there have been many speculations on how his policies would affect every industry in the United States, its neighboring countries and even the world.

To many real estate men, his win will likely bring a roller coaster of changes considering that he is restrictive on his policies on businesses, investments, and international trade. Given the policy uncertainties that will likely exist within Trump's administrations, some real estate companies have their assumptions on how the government will deal with mortgages.

Yet, on the other end, some sees his ascent to the highest seat of US government as a time to refocus on communities. Trump had been so vocal on the important role that community colleges play in shaping the economy. These community colleges produce the skilled workers needed by various industries like real estate. The welders, plumbers, electricians, brick workers, and masons are just some of the skilled persons that community colleges produce. If colleges of this type will be given more help, then the real estate industry will benefit by being supplied of enough numbers of skilled workers needed without having to look for outside talents.

If this policy pushes through, it is not impossible to see more community colleges being established within the next four years. And if this happens, there are other establishments which can sprout in communities. They can help in strengthening the local real estate industry.

The real estate industry also waits for Trump's take on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Considering the past faults of these entities to taxpayers, the government may consider their elimination. However, the government must consider very well on how these institutions will create a crisis scenario given that mortgage lending for fixed terms can become more expensive than what it is today. These institutions, despite their past faults, have already rebounded in favour of taxpayers due to the efficiency of their new leaderships.

The newly elected president was also very vocal during his campaigns on how the United States should only be for Americans. In news, incidents of racism seem higher than it were before. There are fears that immigrations will be more restrictive and that immigrants the subject of restrictions when it comes to home buying. If these were true, real estate investments will be directly affected.

President Trump has a span of four years to regain the confidence of majority of Americans that he can make America great again. He has those four long years to prove those who voted in his favor that they were just right for choosing him as the 45th president. He has those four long years to disprove those who favoured his opponent that he really has what it takes as the greater president than their choice. Let us see come January 20, 2017 on how a well-identified real estate person will serve the industry that reaped in billions of dollars for him in decades. Let us see how he'll serve United States.

Desare Kohn-Laski is a proud realtor and experienced Military Relocation Professional in Florida. She is a real estate broker who is knowledgeable and familiar of the South Florida real estate market. Her areas of services include Broward County, Palm Beach County & Miami-Dade County. Stop the chase for your dream house with her professional and expert assistance.

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