Call Of Duty " Spiritual Warfare "

When it comes to a spiritual duty what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, the first thing that comes to mind is a job and way of life or way of living. So what is our Divine duty as spiritual beings? One of our spiritual duties is to learn from our life experiences and secondly we are to express Love in all the many forms. Believe it or not, we are here to learn, aid, and Love each other no matter the form of experiences that we are faced with.

Every experience that happened to you up to this point in life has created the individual that you are today. There are different types of experiences that lead us to this point that we may find ourselves at. There are experiences in: forgiveness, compassion, kindness, generosity, empathy, etc. It is these life themes that help to create a space for learning about our inner-selves beneath the surface. It is our spiritual duty to learn these life themes inside and out, so that we can aid others who find themselves going through the same life themes that we have been through. Wouldn't you like to aid a friend, co-worker, or family member in understanding some of their life themes that are embedded within their experiences?

Love comes in many forms; there is not just romantic-Love. Forgiveness, compassion, empathy, are all forms of Love. You see, when we are learning some of the life themes embedded within our experiences we are actually learning about Love. So if this is the case then why is it hard for some to express Love always and in all ways? Failure to learn from the life themes that are within our experiences is why it's hard for some. Some of us have been beaten up inside from having rough experiences. Shift your perspective with me for just a moment while we look at the life theme of forgiveness.

When the life theme of forgiveness is presented to us within an experience it usually takes the form of an individual being emotionally, mentally, or physically hurt by someone else; thus, forgiveness being the answer to properly heal from the emotional and/or mental and/or physical pain. So once you forgive the other person and forgive yourself from having gone through the experience, you end up being in a position where you can aid someone else. And to me this is one of the best positions that you could find yourself in.

So as you walk your path remember that you are not just walking it for yourself, you are walking the path so others that you help along the way can prosper too. Your spiritual duty is to express Love always and in all ways by first helping yourself so you can ultimately aid others.

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