What Will Your Event BRING?

Many individuals in positions of leadership, seem to believe, or at least as if the do, that they should take a hands - off approach, when it comes to events, leaving all aspects to whoever has been appointed or hired, as the event planner. Perhaps, this is one of the central reasons, so many events are far less successful, than they could, and should be! While delegating someone else to handle the details, a true leader realizes, he must set the tone, evaluate the purpose, create or oversee/ evaluate budgeting, and insist upon a systematic approach, to pursuing the best possible result. The central question to be considered is, What will your event BRING?

1. Bang for buck:

How will you get the most bang for your buck? Rather than merely doing everything as it always has, one should review needs, concerns, purposes, and the best way to proceed! One must seek to enhance the actual value, bu effectively negotiating, and knowing what you need, in advance, while also creating an allure, based on perceived value, or how valuable potential attendees perceive the event to be!

2. Relevant; realistic; revenue:

Will you tweak your approach, in order to make the event more relevant, and thus, perceived as more needed and necessary? How will you make your event, one not to be missed? Are your revenue and expenditure projections realistic, and will you seek to focus on getting the most, from monies you expend?

3. Interesting; income:

An event must not merely be something, of interest to you? How will you assure it is perceived as being interesting, by others? Will you realize one must balance pricing, spending, and many other factors, so the event will not lose money, and will either be an income - maker, or income - neutral, dependent on its purpose?

4. Needs - based; net:

When you begin your focus on whether it is needs - based, and will attract significant attention and consideration, you're on the right track towards success? How will you assure, the best possible, net result?

5. Growth; generate goodwill; greatness:

A successful event is not merely getting a good turnout, but assuring those attending, come away with a positive feeling, that they spend their time and resources effectively! Groups only prosper when they grow, and successful events, are a valuable tool in the growth! Generating goodwill, combined with seeking greatness, should be the mindset of event planning!

Events can either be valuable or a waste! How will you be certain of what your event might BRING?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run numerous events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership and event planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

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