By Richard Brody
Although, we often discuss, and/ or hear others contemplate, how essential, quality judgment, and decision - making, is, to effective, meaningful leadership, this becomes, quite challenging, because, few are willing to commit to the necessary degree, and combination of time, commitment, attitude, and skill - set development, in order to use the acquired knowledge, in a relevant way, to make a difference, for the better, for the organization served, and the constituents, represented. Those wanting to become quality leaders, must dedicate themselves, to their utmost degree of personal excellence, so, as to learn, the best way, for them, to learn, and proceed, ready, willing, and able, to DECIDE, what leaders must, while the rest of the pack, merely proceeds, with the status quo, or same - old, same - old. With that in mind, this article will briefly consider, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, some of the factors, which are important, to know, utilize, and accept.
1. Delve deeply: Go beyond the surface, or the convenience of making snap judgments! Before creating a strategic and action plan, a quality leader, must be willing to delve deeply, into the current challenges/ obstacles, while paying attention, to the potential ramifications, and proceeding, in a relevant, sustainable manner!
2. Empathy; emphasis: It's important to begin, being willing to effectively, and thoroughly listen, so as to learn, the needs, goals, priorities, and perceptions, of stakeholders, and to address them, in a quality manner! This should determine how the individual, places his emphasis, in order to achieve, the most desirable results.
3. Character; clarity; cooperation: Examine the character of an individual, because that, will determine, whether he will serve, with distinction, and focus on the best interests and common good, rather than any personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! Decisive leaders must articulate their message, with clarity, and focus on cooperation, rather than being adversarial and/ or polarizing!
4. Ideas; imagination; integrity: One's integrity must be absolute, or it's not genuine and/ or meaningful! When absolute integrity, is combined with a relevant, well - considered, imagination, he becomes exponentially better equipped, to perceive and conceive of, create, develop, and implement, relevant ideas!
5. Determine; deliver: Wise decisions come from determining options and alternatives, and opting, for the best path! However, this only makes a difference, when there is enough follow - up, to deliver on one's promises, in an inspiring way!
6. Expectations; energize; excellence: It's important to exceed expectations, by under - promising, and over - delivering! Doing so, generally will energize stakeholders, and drive, a leader, to relevant, significant, excellence!
If you hope to be a quality leader, consider how you will DECIDE! Will you be properly ready, and prepared?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook