Life Only Gets Better When We Make It Better

We, as consciousness, are as happy and fulfilled as we make up our minds to be. With that said, I lifted the title of this article from a book I once read a few times by Russian writer George Ivanovich Gurdjieff called "Life Is Real, Only Then, When "I Am"". Anyhow, to really get this article started: Think about it, that opening statement is the real and honest truth. What we expect as our purest consciousness is what we get. Please note the tense of that last statement and the connotation of that word "purest". What I mean by purest consciousness is the real place where our genuine and real desires in life are.

Before I started putting down this article, I had a few misgivings honestly about the simple and powerful statements I am typing up here. But considering the realities of life that come down to our attitudes in handling them, I agree with myself like the hero expects to be the hero ultimately, and the bum expects to be the bum ultimately. It all comes down to attitude really, not down to outer conditions, but inner conditions of life or the genuine attitude we have about it all, so I will say this:

I have solved the mystery of the "sudden success" of Susan Boyle after years of obscurity and "nothing". Even before she was "a successful and great singer in the eyes of the world", she had it within her waiting to come out and the attitude was there even during the lean years ultimately. If you do not agree with that simple statement, analyze yourself and your reality. Failure and success come down to the ultimate attitude of the person.

The genuine success or genuine failure has the attitude before they become those things in a concrete and ultimate way. If they become a success at one year old to one hundred years old or a failure at one or one hundred years old, it is already within them. So many failures die with their songs and heroics within them because of fear. So many successes make it because of courage to persist. So, we are as happy and successful as we make up our minds, souls and spirits to be without a doubt. Indeed, we must make up our minds to be what we genuinely want to be, and not waver from it even when it gets hard.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

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