Milk Thistle - Benefits for Skin and Health

Milk thistle is a flowering herb related to the daisy family. It is native to South European countries, although it is now found in temperate regions throughout the world.

It is most known for its benefits for the liver, but it can also be used for several other conditions such as high cholesterol levels, type 2 diabetes, indigestion issues and menopausal symptoms, not to mention its use for anti-aging and as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, which are very interesting properties if you are interested in the health and looks of your skin.

But how does it work?

Its seeds contain a bioflavonoid complex called silymarin, which is responsible for the main benefits of milk thistle for skin and health. Silymarin is both anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

Studies indicate that silymarin may support long-term liver health and help with chronic liver conditions such as alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis. Multiple studies also indicate that milk thistle extract protects the liver from toxins such as occationally used alcohol (even if in excess) or a polluted environment.

How milk thistle helps with acne, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema

From the benefits milk thistle has on the liver, one can see that it is detoxifying, a powerful antioxidant and generally anti-inflammatory. Think about it: all these properties are beneficial for fighting skin conditions like acne, rosacea, psoriasis or eczema naturally which is why the herb is believed to be able to help with these skin conditions as well.

In fact, by cleansing the liver and boosting the immune system, all these benefits can also be seen on the skin, which speaks for taking a milk thistle supplement if you suffer from any of these skin conditions and want to get rid of the irritation of the skin naturally.

How to take milk thistle

If you want to try out milk thistle for yourself, the best idea is to look for a supplement which contains 50 to 150 milligrams of it as a daily dose. This should be suitable for ongoing use and health support.

Make sure to look for a brand that sells highly potent extract labeled at least 80 percent pure silymarin, as any less is likely to be a waste of money as any less is not really going to help, unless you eat tons of the supplement. It's better to get one where you only need to take one or a few capsules daily than having to eat them all the time just because they are poor quality!

If you want to know more about the milk thistle benefits and supplements, how to feel healthy and look young, please visit my website right now for more information on the best natural skin care brands and product recommendations.

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Informations From: Taun17

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