The Secret of Secrets

The Chinese believe that "if you are my friend, you will share information and knowledge with me." And, perhaps this is why they don't feel so bad about stealing intellectual property, after all the US says China is a favored trading partner and friend. Think of it this way, would unnecessarily keep a secret from your spouse, unless maybe it was a security clearance duty to do so? Friends don't keep secrets from friends unless that information could hurt them. Let's talk shall we?

My theory on; secrets and talents - well, they are indeed alluring. Although, mostly in my experience and observation, the biggest secret of all is that: there isn't any, which in and of itself is a talent to uphold. For instance, have you ever noticed how a group will claim a secret like the Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Masons, or some group like that, as soon as they say it is a secret it piques our curiosity, it is intriguing, and can bring about "fear of the unknown" which is a human psychological dichotomy in that like cats humans are curious creatures, seeking to explore, ask questions and try to find out what's behind the curtain, which was indeed a theme of Alice in Wonderland right?

Confiding in another about their secrets also brings people together or pulls them in, which is why religions do it, and groups hold out to possess information not known to others, as information can be power, if one indeed gives that power away. If one chooses not to, the holders of secrets are powerless.

It would be wise if whenever someone tells you "It's a secret so I cannot tell you," that you simply say; "Well then, you are not a true friend, and you are being deceptive, and the information you hold is worthless, because it is being held by a worthless person who doesn't give a crap about me." You see how that works.

So, if you are in fear of a secret, you've given away your power, thus the other person holds power over you, and they can play you - make you want to stay close to them because they have power and you can't get that information (information = power) without them.

Beware of the scoundrels of secrets, don't trust that the secret is real or even of value, usually it's not anyway. Further, secret today means about one-week due to the free flowing information of the internet. Think on this.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;



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