CO2 Is a Molecule - It Is A Gas Above Negative 109.3 F, It's Not Evil

When it comes to Global Warming or Climate Change, I for one am not all that concerned about mankind's CO2 output - in fact, I am not too concerned with CO2 at all. Let's discuss this shall we?

You see, human emissions from CO2 actually is a very small part of the total CO2 in the atmosphere (about 3% of the total CO2 output on Planet Earth is all). A large wildfire in Australia puts out more CO2 than all of China in 10 months, if you can believe that. If global warming alarmists are worried about CO2 output, then perhaps they need to go talk to coal burning European Nations, who by the way are also driving diesel cars emitting more CO2 and soot.

Then go talk to China for god's sake, but don't come here to the USA where we've significantly reduced our CO2 output thanks to fracking technologies allowing us to get lots of natural gas out of the ground cheap, which when burned has very little CO2 output. Unlike the rest of the industrialized nations, the US has already done our part, but no one else seems to be. Yet, we seem to be the scapegoat - why you ask? It's simple economics, the rest of the world wants us to limit our industrial output so they can claim a bigger part of the global economy and wealth.

Why do you think the IPCC always meets in Europe? Why are they pointing fingers at the US and why on god's green Earth are we footing the billions of dollars to continue this charade which is hurting us when we are doing our part, it's time for China and the rest to do theirs before imposing more on the USA or carbon taxes or anything else that costs taxpayers' monies. Total human CO2 emissions roughly 3% of the total in atmosphere, CO2 is a small percentage over all of all gases in the atmosphere, it really is insignificant the amount of CO2 coming from the US or any state, or individual. It's a joke.

Our think tank was asked to fill out a survey on Global Warming, amazing how it was worded, I image this was a similar survey the IPCC gave to scientists, but the way the IPCC worded it, and what they said later that 97% of scientists agree - was completely unacceptable, no wonder there was backlash and still is - no wonder there are those of us who say enough-is-enough - close the IPCC - stop this doom and gloom tactic for political ends, stop hijacking science, stop extrapolating into thin air, stop making correlations that do not exist, stop lying about findings in causality or the lack there of. And stop this "Story-telling" which is what the IPCC is all about.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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