The Gift of Presence - Be Apprised That You Are Advised to Enjoy Each Day As If It Were the Last

Time is not guaranteed! The only thing on earth that is guaranteed to happen is CHANGE. Whether you change your mind or have a change of heart, you are always changing something. How about changing your perspective, a least a little, from time-to-time, it helps keep your mind sharp and your heart rhythm in sync with what you want to create and with your contribution to humanity can also be improved.

Speaking and congregating with friends, colleagues and family members is great for the mind to unwind and a great way to keep both feet on the ground. Sharing small conversations or having meals in the company of others is a nice way to be less focused on the mundane challenges of daily living. There are a varied amount of benefits that can be attained by having more presence of mind and engaging in more social connections. By connecting to others we allow our hearts and theirs to feel more uplifted, loving and to attain more peace of mind. It's a great feeling when we pay attention to the need of our hearts, as well as to show ourselves the beautiful gift of connecting to others/ humanity.

One can deny the need for a cohesive society, though studies show that the more people engage one another the less stress they experience. This is also shown to contribute to a happier life-style that only gets easier when socialization is pursued often, thus more bonding/ ties and it has a chemical effect on the mind/body connection. We can really relax when we are in the presence of like- minded people who are kind, loving and uplifting.

Acknowledge the attention gleaned while connecting to others, feel loved in your intentional conversations that bring about feelings of peace, joy and ease. Share in the amazement of your life activities or adventures when speaking with another/others. Watch awe-invoking, boundless, beauty be disclosed when sharing or engaging another. You will quickly see that your own life path has blessed you to live and surpass so many obstacles and to achieve so many things! When you engage others, you actually have a chance to replay fond events or memories, to live countless hours of entertaining conversation, comedy, or to experience belly-aching laughter... Come on, call a buddy, invite them over to hang-out, make plans to have friends or family to come visit you over the weekend! I dare you to have presence of mind, and to devise a plan to have more social engagements and fun!

Experience your life; eliminate strife- it aids nobody and is a waste of valuable time; stay focused on what's happening today! Invest in the PRESENT, for it is a gift that brings you information and experience to succeed or cultivate new missions and dreams. Invite unplanned accomplishments, rejoice in new discovery, adventures yet to be engaged, planned or imagined..

Time is not guaranteed, I write to you from experience. I had many plans to spend vacations and social time with friends and relatives that died within weeks of planning our trips and outing's. I have learned, by experience, live everyday as if it were the last. Tomorrow is guaranteed to nobody. Live life with zest, flair and show the world your way of sharing and caring, especially with anyone who's daring to share time and space with you. Since you enjoy reading, and I enjoy writing, thanks for sharing your time with me, by reading the thoughts, that I am sharing!

Have presence of mind, appreciate everyone, every place and every experience. Give life-affirming joy, love and abilities back to yourself. You were wonderfully and purposefully engineered, designed and crafted to be the unique one-of-a-kind person that you are. You were created to be readily fulfilled with copious joy, love and laughter! God above intended for you to have connections to others. He wants you to experience amazing love, special skills and talents while living; to strike a balance between work/fun; and to prepare you to live your living dreams in abundance. Be keenly aware that it is your responsibility to enjoy what life has to offer.

Be ready to invite great adventures, especially when you have presence of mind. Focus on what unfolds by the minute. Otherwise, your gifts will lie dormant. Recognize that if you ignore the precious beat of your own heart you will miss the beat or nucleus, the central control station, towards manifesting a happy life. The heart of mankind is leading, and guiding, the whole day, well into sleeping and dreaming. Most visions and dreams are first planted and take root in our daydreams, random thoughts and nightly dreams. Make your daydreams your reality! Watch your visions and dreams unfold as they manifest into fantastic artistic, dynamic mathematical, analytical, or creative skills, or abilities.

Think consciously; stay in harmony with the enlightening messages that your emotive-heart desires to teach you. The heart speaks to the rest of the body through our mind, judgments, decisions and trickles down to our senses and perceptions. Take the right steps to enjoy anything and everything that you experience. RIGHT NOW; BE PRESENT AND LIVE IN the current time. Live life in the current MOMENT, before the OPPORTUNITY has passed and GONE away. Abracadabra, POOF, GONE! Are you still here?

Never miss an opportunity that the Divine Creator has given you now, by putting off till tomorrow what is meant to be enjoyed, pursued, or adventured today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anybody...

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.** Namaste,


 By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: The Gift of Presence - Be Apprised That You Are Advised to Enjoy Each Day As If It Were the Last
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