Clue For Building Trust in a Relationship by Trust in Love

Building trust in a relationship can be natural and an easy thing to do if you trust in love. Did you ever stop to think how you may trust in love? Yes, it's about how alert you are to you own heart when the Voice for God within you calls on a brother, or when you see his holiness in the voice that answers your call?

Notice I say the voice "FOR" God... and not of God. How many times have you seen the "different side" to an individual whom others have condemned?

What would happen if you opened the door to allow trust in love to pour into you and outward toward this person?

That "different side" that others could not see in him, but that you can see, is the Christ within you both. Or we can simply call this whole picture "the face of Christ."

Even your reactions to this loving "other" or "different" side is the whole Child of God.

The understanding of God, which the average person accepts through belief or reasoning, is so far removed from true understanding that it cannot be called inner knowledge, because it is perceived as "out there."

True knowledge does not consist of the constructions or perception of beliefs passed on to us by society.

It can only be obtained by ripened experience-not necessarily age-that increases gradually, along with increased clarity. This is how you trust in love and begin building trust in a relationship.

True knowledge grows, or "ripens," inside of you, becoming more real as you participate in only, and nothing other than, pure truth and trust in love until there is no more to absorb, but it only flows.

The devotional rituals followed in religions do not necessarily lead you to true inner travel, which constitutes a true journey and trust in love, because for the most part they are mechanical observations, barren of the redeeming experience of actually feeling divine love.

Therefore, the struggle most always seems to be: What really is divinity?

Now I am not trying to tell you to leave your religion, which surely can be a good foundation for understanding faith-just as mine was for me.

The "ups and downs" and "ins and outs" that you experience within the congregation of your place of worship are valuable lessons, and can be a great step toward trust in love and building trust in a relationship.

In my early days of accepting Miracles in my life, as I struggled through the obscuring fog of mental and emotional tension, my consciousness became one-pointed, forming a spearhead that eventually pierced through the veil to an inner path that seemed to be divine knowledge.

Even the earliest glimpses or perceptions I was getting were great advances to the understanding and knowledge where my faith lies. A bridge was certainly built and traveled on, and my trust in love ripened, too.

However, as I advanced on the path I was undergoing a significant change of direction that could be compared to a somersault. I began to become more concerned with inner realities of all of life, rather than their outward expression.

As the emphasis shifted from my own external to internal aspects of my life, the deepening of my conscious being and awareness was accelerated.

Nonetheless, my building trust in a relationship became natural when my trust in love embedded in me.

In building trust in a relationship and maximizing my potential, I began seeing and sensing more than the physical, and started to see that "different" side to people that many were not aware they had.

I could see this in a gesture, such as a casual thank you, and I could sense it in eye contact, or even in the look of confusion when someone was searching for the right word.

Some even became embarrassed when realizing their own holiness had been witnessed in a brief confrontation. I notice this often here in prison. I would learn this to be the blood of hatred fading to let the grass grow green again.

I became caught up with a deep awareness of myself and a deeper perception of the workings in the world.

A refocusing of my consciousness occurred, which is now far-reaching. All of the avenues through which I conduct my search are radically transformed by my trust in love and my sincerity and the concentrated purpose of my efforts.

To your trust in love

Hello Friend,

I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at:

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 By James Nussbaumer

Article Source: Clue For Building Trust in a Relationship by Trust in Love

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