Introducing Ethicalism

The concept of Ethicalism is to give everyone - either those who have a teacher or religion or those who have lost hope with the teachers and religions of today - a self-directed path to become content while strengthening ones individuality and sense of self.

Ethicalism is a code of moral conduct that, if followed, will make one worthy of respect. As Confucius said; "Rather than to demand respect, one should strive to be worthy of respect."

Ethicalism is simply a collection of ethics and practical exercises to help apply them in our life. In conducting ourselves such that we will live a satisfying and purposeful life, we strengthen our individuality and self-esteem, while opening up to deeper connections with ourselves and other people.


To be master of one's own life.

To increase your motivation for life.

To be immune from emotional and mental manipulations.

A life of simply trying each day to be a good human being based on Ethics, making you proud to be you.

Everyone from every walk of life has the right to feel emotionally strong and balanced in a very confused world.

Ethicalism is not about creating a new religion, but one cannot ignore the benefits and necessity of the concept of religion. Religion is basically a framework of the world that gives a meaning and purpose to life. Without purpose or direction, life can be empty and hopeless.

Ethicalism hopes to meet the needs that religion cannot, because of religious dogmatic views, without distorting the simplicity of a good path of living. It is a path that is logical, non-dogmatic, and practical; a simple code of ethics which paves the way for one to be a good human being in a challenging world.

Ethicalism does not offer a creation myth, a reward of heaven or punishment of hell. One can decide for oneself what comes after death or where this all began, or, simply accept the reality that one must wait for the inevitable end to find out, and enjoy each moment until then.

Ethicalism is a way of living to make this very life more of a heavenly existence and less of a hell. It deals with the reality and present moment of this one life you are living now. It believes in simply being as good a human being as one possibly can be, and trying to be a little better tomorrow. There is no call to convert, coerce, preach or draw other people.

David Samuel is The Entrepreneur Monk, talks about the mind and emotions in business, relationships and personal growth.
Have No Regrets, Look Forward
David resolved the riddle of why we do what is bad for us yet do not do what we know is beneficial and teaches that very effectively.
Read more about David
Have No Regrets, Look Forward

 By David Samuel

Article Source: Introducing Ethicalism
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