But on the other hand many of us often do agree that through the power of visualization we create our own experiences. The world we see and experience daily is no more "out there" than dreams will be.
Our own errors in thought in the final analysis, is what we project in our mind as a world separate from our Creator.
The error lies in the fact that you are still seeing yourself in a material or physical sense, and so your power of visualization makes you see effects as separate or outside and away from their Source, your Creator.
You still have this "magic wand" belief that God makes things happen outside of Himself and Heaven. We see His creations as outside of Heaven's gate.
But as you know, anything that is kept separate can never join. This kind of false power of visualization is why you long for more love.
Just as ideas you share or give away never really separate from you. It will always be your idea. With this understanding can you now see more clearly that you are the Idea of God where searching for more never becomes a thought?
This is the true power of visualization you want to begin practicing.
Here is what God Wills that you learn has always been true: He created you as part of Him, and not separate. God is Thought, and so must you be thought.
This must be forever true because ideas do not leave their source. We are the Idea of God; not separate from our Source.
With that power of visualization understood, let's take a look at Creation's Law: Each idea the mind conceives only adds to its abundance, and never takes away.
However, this is as true of what you idly "wish" for as what you truly will. This is why there is something to the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for." You can deceive yourself.
The ego-based mind which is a thought system of separation always looking for more love, can wish for something and truly be deceiving itself. In this case, you not only sense this, but you cannot be opposite your true colors.
In other words, you cannot have true power of visualization unless you are operating by your true colors.
Therefore, when you think you believe that ideas do separate from their source, you are inviting illusion to be true, without success.
The illusions you make yourself see as true continue to make more illusions, driven by illusory goals that you think, or want to think, are true.
This is when we decide to make our own truths.
Never will the power of visualization for success be possible at trying to deceive yourself, because you would be deceiving God.
Your free will must be performed without worrying about consequences, regardless of success or failure. The work you do in this spirit, and with this understanding, yields inevitable results.
Through the joy in the activities of your spiritual way, humanity will move gradually into a new life of abiding peace and dynamic harmony with more love, unconquerable faith, unfading bliss, immortal sweetness, and incorruptible purity.
Wouldn't you agree that this is creating love, and infinite understanding?
To your power of visualization
I'm James Nussbaumer and I'd like to introduce myself to you through my thought provoking spiritual and inspirational books, which are reflections of A Course in Miracles. To see more please visit me at: http://jamesnussbaumer.com/
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By James Nussbaumer
Article Source: How True Power of Visualization Will Equal More Love