Forget Your Troubles - Come, on Get Happy! Be Okay With Your Own Happiness!

***Did you know that a happy attitude is contagious? Yep, I said it! If you are happy and you express your contentment, chances are strong that those that feel your joyful energy will want to feel the same joy as you... The same can be said for just about any emotion, for that matter. So, it is up to you to decide the tone and mood of what you want to spread or demonstrate to others, by the environment that you want to have around you.. Boy, that was a lot of words to express this: Be content and watch your contentment spread!~ Forget your troubles, if even for a few moments and open your mind to receive joy and contentment. You can command a happy tone by doing something to make yourself happy and your h Be coappiness will spread like a Florida wildfire on a hot, muggy June day...

Contentment is happiness in action. It does not stop after it is put out into the airwaves... Not a chance. Once happiness is released by either a modulation in your voice, a soft touch, decorating a room with a flowerpot or vase of beautiful, soothing tones of pinks, blues, lavender or powerful blue. Be joyful in knowing that you have chosen to soften the setting of your environment by sharing beautiful, colorfully engaging flowers, thus inviting a conversation-changing the tone of the room. How about puppies? Why do you think it is that people post so many kitten and dog pictures on their social media accounts? Because they honestly want to make themselves and other people happy by effecting their eyes and attracting a happy feeling to themselves, as well as to others.

Are you content with the content on your social media pages? If not, ask yourself what you can do to improve your tone or mood on your site. Maybe you can delete negative comments that have nothing to do with you personally. Or, maybe you can have more pictures of nature that always attract the eyes of others, especially if they are colorful or engaging.

Remember, the more you seek joy and contentment through every one of your five senses the more contentment will want to follow you. If contentment, joy and happiness had an Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account, I wonder what the content would read? And also, I wonder what kind of really cool pictures would be posted along with some really expressive comments that would change the tone or mood for millions of followers to want to emulate at best.. Be aware that like a Florida wildfire is sure to spread, so is the happy, jovial tone going to spread that your release into the air- Whether we are aware or not, has no bearing. Show that you are caring of your happiness and spread the good cheer! Be serene and secure that you are entitled to forget your worries and it's okay to be happy.

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

*Writing daily especially for you, inspiring heartfelt, empowering passages!~

***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetic- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.**



 By Lorie Ann Jermoune

Article Source: Forget Your Troubles - Come, on Get Happy! Be Okay With Your Own Happiness!

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