Ayurvedic Herbs & Home Remedies To Battle Obesity

By Farhat Moiz

For women - if the waist circumference of is 88 cm and for men - if the waist circumference of is 102 cm, it means that the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular complications of obesity is on higher side.


Overeating, lack of physical exercise, excessive intake of alcohol, Leptin deficiency (Leptin is a hormone (A hormone produced mainly by adipocytes fat cells) that is involved in the regulation of body fat. Leptin interacts with areas of the brain that control hunger), excessive eating of junk food, excessive intake of high calorie/fat/sugar rich diet, genetic.

Recent research shows that in some cases, certain genetic factors may cause the changes in appetite and fat metabolism which give rise to obesity.

Susceptibility to obesity and its adverse consequences undoubtedly varies between individuals.

Potentially reversible causes of weight gain:

Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Hypothalamic tumors or injury, insulinoma.

Drug Treatment:

Tricyclic antidepressants, Corticosteroids, β blockers, Oestrogen containing contraceptive pill.

Complications of Obesity:

Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis, varicose Veins, Polycystic ovary syndrome, depression, gallstones, skin infections

Herbs to treat Obesity:

Alfalfa, Con silk, Dandelion, Gravel root, Horsetail, Hydrangea, Hyssop, Juniper berries, Oat straw, Parsley, Seawrack, Thyme, Uvaursi, and Yarrow can be used in tea form, for their diuretic properties.

Triphala: Triphala has been studied for antioxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-obesity effects. Amalaki (Phyllanthusemblica) is effective for the reduction of cardiac problems, Diabetes and Oxidative stress.

This plant also shows significant anti-hyperlipidemic, hypolipidemic, and anti-atherogenic Effects and also shows significant reduction in Triglycerides, Free fatty acids and total Cholesterol.

It maintains good lipid profiling in experimental animals. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is a lipid-lowering agent. Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) shows mechanisms which probably involve suppression of the absorption of meal-derived lipids mediated by gallic acid.

Dandelion helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates faster.

Curry leaves help to increase the rate of metabolism which in turn helps in burning extra facts.

The herb Alfalfa, can be used to reduce fat, as it acts as a diuretic and can help to enhance the rate of digestion.

Bitter Orange Synephrine, is the alkaloid of bitter orange. It is a primary active alkaloid. It is useful to stimulate the adrenal gland and is useful to burn fat.

Recent studies show that Garcinia cambogia melts fat. It contains a chemical called Hydroxycitic acid (HCA), similar to the citric acid present in lemon and limes.

Indian Bedalium (Guggulu)- In Ayurveda it is mentioned that Guggulu (Commiphormukul) has a karshan property. Hence it helps to reduce fat.

Natural Home Remedies:

Drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea every day. Studies published in the American journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who consume 5 cups of green tea daily burn an average of 5% more fat than people who do not drink any green tea at all.

Vitamin C is useful to burn fat:

Eat fruits like lemon, bitter orange, tomatoes and sweet lime.

Eat Almond, Avocados, Sunflower seed, Pumpkin seed, Flax seed, and Olive Oil. Take lime juice with honey daily.

Cardamom is advisable. It is known as a thermogenic. It helps to burn fat.

Include Broccoli, Carrots, Beans, and Sweet Potatoes in your daily diet.

Eat one apple daily. The enzyme, pectin, present in it can help to reduce the absorption of fats through the cells.

Garlic (Allium sativum) should be used while cooking food. It contains Allicin which helps to reduce cholesterol and is, therefore useful to treat obesity.

Jawar, Ragi are advisable.

Include salads, beans, and dry cereals in the diet.

For breakfast, take a high fiber diet, preferably cereals with skimmed milk and fruits.

Drink Ginger (Zingiberofficinale) tea as it helps to burn fat.

For breakfast, take a high fiber diet, preferably cereals with skimmed milk and fruits.

Drink Ginger (Zingiberofficinale) tea as it helps to burn fat.

Add one teaspoon of Triphala (Combination of Chebulic Myrobalan, Belliric Myrobalan, Indian gooseberry) Powder in a cup of water. Boil it till it becomes half and take it with honey.

Ayurvedic Medicine:

Triphala Guggulu, MedoharVidangdilauh are advisable. Take these with the consultation of an Ayurvedic Physician.


Panchakarma Therapy is also advisable but this therapy should be taken in an authentic Ayurvedic Panchakarma Centre.

Consult an ayurvedic physician before adopting a diet plan.

Cureveda works with a team of leading ayurvedic physicians to get top quality consultation for free directly to the customer. In addition all ayurvedic, natural & herbal products are available at discounted prices, doctors maintain continue follow ups to ensure holistic solutions to health issues.

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