Management - Do You Have the Capability to Choose to Be Powerful or Powerless?

By Richard Kleijnen

Power is the ability to make another do something despite their wishes. At least, this is how we define power for our purpose: which is to make people aware of different types of power and so be able to see when it is used against them. "Know thy enemy" is a saying that would be appropriate.

What is your powerbase?

Power is not the same as authority. Yes, you can use your position in the hierarchy to achieve certain things, but use it too often and people will rebel and label you a weak leader. Hire and fire is a tool used by companies and manager that have dubious leadership skills. Treat people like a machine, stuff them with process descriptions, threaten them with targets and that you can find a better person easy enough, these are all signs of a type of leadership that would need some help. Your powerbase is found in the ability to make people want to work for you. Can they achieve their goals by following you?

How much power do you really have?

Or is someone else having the power? Like in my family, I would probably say the kids have most of the power. They determine the schedule I wake up and sleep, when we eat, what we are going to do in the weekend, that we have to be at the hockey match on Sunday morning in the weekend. I probably wouldn't have that much fun with them if I would take the lead. In business it is often not that different. You have you specialists and craftsman that really do have power. Use power inappropriate at professionals and they will find another company to work for faster than you could correct such a mistake.

Different types of power

Through the centuries, mankind has developed more and more refined methods of gaining power. Hard coercive power being the oldest known to man: the threat of physical assault and abuse. Still used at large scale: think of the many wars on the planet that are ongoing. Asset power is next in line: I have something you want, so that gives me power over you. The capitalist system is built on the biggest asset perceived: money. Soft coercive power involves manipulation, backstabbing, badmouthing, beguiling. Doctrinal power is the power that is used by political parties, religions and sometimes even philosophies.

Use it or not?

The use of power can be very effective. Touch the right button and you are suddenly able to get something done otherwise unthinkable. Power should be used with care. Really? Why are most businesses, governmental institutions, non-profit organizations hierarchically organized? Better question would be maybe: are we able to organize ourselves without hierarchy? Cooperatives can be very successful but have their own challenges.

Ultimate power

The most advance form of power is where there is no power: the objective is not me, myself and I, but we. All interests and stakes of people involved are balanced in such a way that they lead to a common goal. Leadership in the 21ST century should be based on relationship power, the fifth form of power. Those who follow should do so consciously. We could all lead in certain context, and follow in another.

Do you understand what your powerbase is? How do you gain power and how would you retain it? To be powerful, you would need to understand these things. To be safe from others, you would need to recognize when power is used: I would prefer not to do anything despite my wishes without making a conscious choice to do so.

Authors: Richard Kleijnen

We believe in helping people to become aware, authentic, powerful and thinking in terms of we. We have a training programme around the concept of power consisting of four modules: interpersonal communications, trust, negotiations and power. The components are integrated. Our training programme can be purchased as it, can be customised, or used to extent your own in-house or commercial training portfolio.

Watch our mini training on power on

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