Inspirational - The Biggest Benefits of Reading SelfImprovement/Self-Help Books

By Pankaj Dwivedi

Undoubtedly, the finest way towards personal growth is to read books. In the modern world, the impact of quality self-improvement/ Self-help books is unfathomable. In an era when excluding a selective few, everyone else is suffering from the ill-effects of stress-related complications, the self-improvement books could act as life-saving drugs. These books would help us see things in a different perspective. The dark shades of life would suddenly appear grey and when probed further begin to reveal colours hidden in them.

Mostly, the solutions of our problems lay hidden within us or in our surroundings. The self-improvement/ Self-help books point towards the right direction and help us find the solutions.

Here are the reasons why you should develop the habit of reading the books for self-improvement?

1. Motivation: In real-life, self-motivation is not always possible. However, nowadays, you need to continuously push yourself to perform better whether you are a student or a professional. The books for self-improvement act as a sort of motivating factor. Psychiatrists' suggest people to start the day after reading some pages of a motivational quotes book of philosophy or self-improvement.

2. Inspiration: Some years back, we were moved after reading the story of an IAS Topper, G.K.Ronanki of Andhra Pradesh who successfully overcame the challenges posed by one of the toughest competitive exams held in India- the UPSC Exams, 2016. He made it to rank III. However, this feat alone does not make his story an inspirational one. G.K. Ronanki has achieved the feat by battling severe poverty. He is the son of two poor agricultural labourers in Andhra Pradesh.

Probably, the best way to inspire a person is to highlight the real-life stories of people who have endured immense hardships and came along winners. Some self-improvement authors utilise this tool to re-ignite the fighting spirit of the reader.

3. Encouraging Quotes: "Talk To Yourself Once In A Day... Otherwise, You May Miss Meeting An Excellent Person In This World."-Swami Vivekananda.

Start a day after reading such precious quotes uttered by the masters of the world of philosophy. In fact, many of us are in the habit of following such life quotes on the internet. Reading even a single page of a book of self-improvement on a regular basis could be even more helpful. The digital world is itself a source of mental and physical stress. Hence, compared to a mobile or static device for accessing the digital media and read inspiring quotations, it is always better to have a good book by your side.

4. Unleashing the Inner Possibilities: Every human being is gifted with huge and unique types of possibilities. It is only this that they remain buried under negativity, apathy and disinterest. The self-improvement/ Self-help tips would help the readers unleash their inner possibilities and fulfil their aspirations by building self-targets and encourage them to enhance their performance.

5. A Different Interpretation: A worthy book of self-improvement/ Self-help would help you interpret your life in a different manner. Not only your views would expand but also become more positive. The uplifting words will help you stay calm during an adverse situation. In fact, this is the fundamental concept behind leadership coaching.

6. Live Outside your Comfort Zone: "The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun." Benedict Cumberbatch

True words from the exceptional Hollywood hero. When you continuously push your limitations further behind, it is not only fun but it is the biggest proof of your personal growth. Self-improvement quotes could help you smash through your limitations, step into your problem zone and cultivate your inner possibilities to survive and flourish in this zone.

7. Developing Interpersonal Skills: Very often we come across people who are talented and hard-working but surprisingly enough, when the time of promotions arrives the individuals of lesser parity would surpass them to bag the rewards. This might even be the picture in an organisation where most democratic and equitable hierarchy system is followed. So, what could be the reason? It could be related to a person's interpersonal skills.

We know the importance of quality and impactful communication skills in the corporate world. The books for self-improvement would help you hone your interpersonal communication skills so that your professional goals might not deceive you for this limitation of yours.

Realise your dreams by self-improvement. Reading motivational books could be more helpful than you could even imagine.

Motivation- is all that we want in our life to incorporate our energy and efforts into a things that we love to do, that we desire from our heart. There are several ways one can be motivated in life, by watching videos or by reading the motivational books or inspirational novels etc. No matter what is our resource of motivation, we should find a right path to guide ourselves, our dreams, our desires.

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