Depression Associated With Lower Back Pain May Be Helped With Chiropractic Care

Those having a history of lower back pain are susceptible to depression which may be helped with chiropractic care.

Chronic pain in the lower back is something that many people suffer with. Enduring this type of pain, while physically challenging, can also lead to emotional struggles. It is not surprising that ongoing back symptoms can lead to emotional depression.

In my 35 years of chiropractic practice I have seen people who have suffered from lower back pain for many years. By helping alleviate their discomfort these folks are able to live pain free. This allows them to be able to do normal chores in their home and yard, sleep better and engage in a degree of exercise whether it be walking or participating in an exercise class. You can be sure this helps their emotional state immensely.

A research study published in Rehabilitation Nurse, January 2019 studied this condition. Among a group of 152 older adults, researchers found that those with a history of back pain had more occasion to experience depression. The findings suggest that low back pain may be a potential risk for increased depression in older adults.

This means managing a patient's back conditions may provide mental health benefits. 
Fortunately, chiropractic care has been proven to help chronic lower back discomfort which, in turn, may help alleviate the emotional depression associated.

Many people suffering from chronic lower back pain get the mistaken impression they have to live with their pain forever. They may have seen doctors who gave them medications to manage their pain. They may have gone for physical therapy where they receive stretching and strengthening exercises. When these measures give minimal or no relief they, incorrectly, believe they have exhausted all steps to help with their condition.

However, if they will pursue another avenue involving chiropractic therapy, many will see the back relief they are looking for. What sets chiropractic care aside from other therapies is the chiropractic adjustment. A chiropractic adjustment, also known as manipulative therapy, helps to realign and create proper movement in the joints of the spine and pelvis. This is specifically what most people require to get relief of low back discomfort.

Chiropractors have been helping people with lower back pain for over 125 years. Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, method to help those suffering with chronic lower back pain without the use of addictive pain drugs and back surgery.

Watch this video for back pain relief. To learn more about relief of pain in the back please call Dr. James Schofield at 412-367-3313.

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