Digital Nomad Lifestyle of Freedom & Adventure - To Live and Work Wherever Convenient

Hear the words of Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group: "Choice empowers people and makes for a more content workforce.One day offices will be a thing of the past".

For the Digital Nomad, daily work in a traditional office is already a thing of the past!

Working with SW Systems or Translation

with so far about a hundred clients in near 20 countries. I have never met with my clients face-to-face; only through email, Skype, job broker websites, etc... I have been working from home offices, coffee shops, public libraries, buses, trains, hotel lobbies, rented lodgings... I have carefully planned my projects, and my travelling, to achieve a harmonious mix of business and pleasure, while securing reliable deliveries to clients... I have learned new skills of life and trade every day... I have met new people, seen new places... And truly enjoyed the Freedom & Adventure that the Digital Nomad Way of Work brought!

Freedom & Adventure

The freedom to work "Digital Nomadically": freedom to work anywhere and anytime, freedom to schedule work hours conveniently! E.g work efficiently in the relative cool of early mornings and late nights and spend a long hot mid-day break lazily exploring the surroundings.
Eye-opening learnings

from living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle of Freedom & Adventure is that things and behaviours that are taken for granted in western societies are far from self-evident in other parts of the world - such as electricity, water supply, clock and calendar, education, orderly traffic behaviour, non-corruption, business ethics, non-child labour... An open mind, a talent for reasonable adaptation, a talent to remain true to your core values yet able to accept reality, a strong integrity... are all helpful character traits for any Digital Nomad!

A dream coming true!

Initially conceived as a seemingly unreachable dream, then powerfully inspired by the famous book "The 4 Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferris, further developed after discussions with other Digital Nomads, and continuously refined during several years of real-life trials. I have developed my own unique way of working where Quality of Life goes hand-in-hand with Quality of work.

Not all work tasks are suitable for this lifestyle, and not all clients embrace the idea! However we are confident that the Digital Nomad Way of Work will become dominant for freelancers and consultants in various fields.

Requirements for a Digital Nomad workplace

are few and simple: a good internet connection and appropriate conditions for undisturbed work. If the workplace happens to be located in a beautiful environment at an exciting place - well, that will only increase work satisfaction!

"Digital Nomad" is frequently mistaken

for a tanned hippie-like young backpacker in shorts or bikini, spending lazy hours in the shade of a palm tree on a tropical beach, occasionally tapping idly on the laptop to read latest postings on Facebook. However, that is far from the reality!

Money is required for survival

also for a Digital Nomad. Accommodation, food, travelling, internet fees, SW licenses, health insurance, phone cards, Skype credit, etc... to mention only a few things that must be paid. And money certainly does not arrive by magic. The one-and-only sure-fire way to ensure sustained funding is to consistently spoil clients with reliable deliveries of outstanding work at favourable prices. The Digital Nomad Way of Work may not flood your bank account - but will give abundant supply of freedom, adventure, and life experience!

Let's face reality

Outstanding quality of work and rock-solid reliability of deliveries is a life insurance - the only way to acquire new and maintain existing clients, and thus allow for continued income - and must always remain top priorities. No matter where in the world a Digital Nomad happens to be - projects must be delivered on time and meet the highest standards of quality. This obviously requires discipline, hard work, a good working environment; and from time to time a talent for improvisation and creativity when things unexpectedly go wrong!

Dealing with all the "standard business issues"

Demand for my service? One year from now? Market segment? Specialize or go for generalist? Are my clients profitable? One year from now? Right tools? New tools coming? Learn new skills? Is market changing? Depending on one or a few clients? Balance between paid work and (unpaid!) marketing? Right hardware and software? Accounting and auditing? Filing relevant returns and reports? Etc...

No office gossip or face-to-face water cooler chats

with colleagues and peers. Staying up-to-date with market and business news may be a bit of a challenge. Clients are generally far away in a different timezone. Finding new clients online may be quite a different process compared to finding local clients in your home town. And when in need of a good speaking partner the Digital Nomad may find that the mirror is the only option!

Tomas Tilver is an Enthusiastic and Inspiring Digital Nomad; and a serious business professional, reliably and consistently delivering High Quality.

Optimistic, Positive, Kind, Considerate, Supporting, Sharing, Paying forward; a Life Enjoyer and a Good Life Artist.

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